Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fire Brigade Chaplain Rescued Crown of Thorns and Blessed Sacrament From Notre Dame Fire

The irreplaceable relic and the Blessed Sacrament was saved on Monday evening by the firefighters’ chaplain, Jean-Marc Fournier during the burning of the cathedral - the chaplain charged into the burning cathedral

Paris (kath.net/KAP) As the broadcaster KTO reported on Tuesday, the saving of the crown of thorns and the Blessed Sacrament was by the valor of the fire department's chaplain Jean-Marc Fournier. The chaplain of the Paris Fire Brigade went on Monday evening with a group of firefighters into the burning Notre-Dame Cathedral and had opened the tabernacle, as well as the reliquary in which the crown of thorns reposed. Fournier then hurried out of the cathedral with the monstrance. It was feared that the religious treasures would be lost by the fire. "Father Fournier is an absolute hero," KTO quoted a member of the emergency services: "He showed no fear at all, as he went straight to the relics in the cathedral and made sure that they were saved."

In 2015, the Parisian priest had comforted the wounded after the Bataclan massacre, the worst terrorist attack in Paris in this century. [One of the worst since Muslims invaded France in the 8th century] He has become the "hero of the Notre-Dame-fire,” said a paramedic: "He deals with life and death every day, and he shows no fear."

Trans Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Monday, April 15, 2019

Jews and Muslims Can Scarcely Conceal Their Delight at Notre Dame Fire

Edit: here they are, rejoicing that the Cathedral is burning. The nice thing is that Twitter gave them the opportunity to publish their malicious glee, noticed here by Mahound’s Paradise:

Edit: and this... Poetic effort:

Edit: While Ben Shapiro intones tired cliches about Judeo-Christian Civilization, these Jewish Communists find this as an occasion to reassert their victim status and lecture contemporaries, most of whom have been conditioned to roll over and surrender in the face of such overgeneralized historical factoids like these:

It’s times like these that should remind us that the Crusades were carried out with legitimate cause to defend against these people who are truly a scourge of God sent to punish us for our sins.

Edit: they just can’t shut up, and always want to push a little more:


Lent the People Who Forgot Contrition

It dawns on me today that a lot of people in the world do not understand contrition because they don’t understand sin. And when I think about this, I am reminded of footage I once saw in which a mirror was placed in the forest. Most of the dull beasts who wandered to the mirror thought they saw another animal. Only in one other video, in which a chimpanzee was put in front of a mirror, did the animal have a moment of self recognition. 

To be sure, people technically and intellectually know the definition of sin. But they fail to understand the role sin played in their lives. People easily point out sin and failure in others. Yet they can’t grasp their own shortcomings. They can’t realize their own moral failings. They can point to Adam and Eve and scoff at our first parents, but they can’t imagine being in either Adam or Eve’s place. Eve committed five sins at the Fall, and Adam committed eight, but could an intemperate mind distinguish between any of them? 

Contrite … is a word translated from the Latin, meaning crushed or pulverized. Now, modern people complain about that …. They do not wish their hearts to be pulverized and they do not feel they can sincerely say they are “miserable offenders” [as the English prayer books of that time said] …. I do not think whether we are ‘feeling’ miserable or not matters. I think [the prayer book] is using the word miserable in the old sense—meaning an object of pity.


In this day and age, no one has shame. No one is sorry for what they have done. Westerners want to be glamorous, in your face, unapologetic, and applauded. Our modern culture’s overlords tell us we should always be happy and well-rounded. Third wave feminists express themselves as self-satisfied, glib, proud, unsmiling people. “To hell with those around you. No regrets!” This is a people who cannot grasp remorse or sorrow. They have no idea how Heaven above could look down upon them as pitiable, foolish creatures. 

We should recognize ourselves as lamentable sinners. Not that we ought to lack confidence in ourselves, but we should understand how much our sin maliciously shades us from the light of Heaven. We worship God with fear and trembling, and we should run into God’s arms, terrified at what we do to ourselves with our own sins. As the song below goes: “Jesus Lord, I ask for mercy, let me not implore in vain. All my sins I now detest them, never will I sin again.”  

A better explanation comes from St. Francis de Sales. We should go to confession with a humble and confident mind. We shouldn’t be afraid when we go to Christ’s priests. One should overcome their pride, and realize that their embarrassing sin is shameful only when it is committed. But in spite of everything, once we confess and repent, we have done an honorable act. God permits us to sin, true. But once we show contrition and confess our sin, we have done a beautiful thing that Heaven admires. St. Francis de Sales explains that if we are truly humble,

our sins will be infinitely offensive to us since God is offended by them, while to accuse ourselves of our sins becomes sweet and pleasant since God is thereby honored. It is a kind of relief for us to inform our physician rightly as to the nature of a disease that torments us. When you kneel before your spiritual director, imagine that you are on Mount Calvary at the feet of Jesus Christ crucified and that his Precious Blood drops down on every side to cleanse away your iniquities. Although it is not the actual Blood of the Savior, what flows so abundantly over penitents in the confessional is the merit of His Blood. Open wide your heart so that you can cast out your sins in confession. As fast as they issue from it the precious merits of Christ’s Passion enter there and fill it with blessings. 


Do not be a Catholic who mindlessly walks up and partakes of the Eucharist towards the end of your Sunday Mass. Be self aware. Be conscious of who you are, what you’ve done, and what you can do about it. Do not be afraid to receive absolution from a priest for the dark things you have done. After all, Jesus Christ told His priests to carry on this precious, soul-saving sacrament:

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” 

JOHN 20:21-23

If you go up and take the Eucharist without being in a state of grace, you have committed a grave sacrilege, as you have gone against what we’ve been told to do. Should you die shortly after taking the Eucharist in that state of mortal sin, you will go to Hell. And for what? Putting on airs for the congregation? Wanting to join the party? Do not forget what St. Paul told us from the very beginning:

Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup.  For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died”

1 CORINTHIANS 11:27 – 30

Could it be that too many people go up to partake of the Eucharist, when they are not in any condition to do so? Could it be that everyone is irreverently receiving our Lord, and as a result our Lord is allowing the Mass itself to become irreverent? Maybe all of these insanely cringe-worthy Masses are a punishment for the laity’s lack of contrition and flippant abuse of the Eucharist. Is that beyond the realm of possibility? 

In writing this, I am reminded of something Ann Barnhardt once penned. She said that the only person at Mass who absolutely must receive the Eucharist is the priest celebrant. So if you are unworthy, and you have not made it to confession yet, stay in your seat, and reflect on just how much you need to reconcile yourself with the Lord. The Mass was not put into place so that you can march up stylishly with every other Catholic in the parish, go up there, and eat a symbol. You are not the center focus of the Mass. Be contrite. Realize humility. Be self-aware. The people of this present age, in particular, are pitiable human beings. This is Lent, a time of ash, sackcloth, meatless and unsavory foods, and covered statues. This is a time for mortification, spring cleaning, perfection, and edification. 

If we are honest with ourselves, we can confront the world and its challenges with an honest, unflinching strength. Good luck, everyone. 


Forge and Anvil

Fire Engulfs Notre Dame in Paris

Edit: as we reported earlier, churches all over France are being vandalized and set on fire by some of the usual suspects.



Sunday, April 14, 2019

Holy Week Reflection

Palm Sunday Procession in Kenya

By David Martin

Each year on Palm Sunday we commemorate Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem when He cleansed the temple of the money changers and those who had sought to profane the temple with their worldly ways.
This pivotal Lent of 2019 is the appropriate time to bring it home and to reflect on how we can assist Christ in cleansing His temple, especially, on how we might encourage the good bishops to take the whip to those clerical clowns in the Eternal City that have sought to profane the temple with their perfidious errors and changes.
Unfortunately, the cult of Freemasonry exerts great control over the Church at this time, which accounts for the widely held error that the Church is an ongoing, evolutionary process that goes through phases of change over time. As these modernists see itanything the Church holds to at any given point of its history is the result of a general consensus or “collective conscience,“ as if the Church were a democracy to decide doctrine, when in fact the matter of doctrine has already been decided for us from above. 
That is to say, the Church is a Divine Monarchy ruled by the King of kings, “with whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration.” (James: 1:17) As such, the doctrines of the Faith arenot something that can change or develop but are eternally set in stone for our instruction. (Matthew 24: 35)
Lent is a time to cleanse ourselves and to return to the tradition of the Faith, but this applies especially to today’s Vatican hierarchy. It is high time that the Church’s ruling body clean house and take the whip to those money-changes, homosexuals, and heretics that are polluting the temple with their antics and doctrinal germs. It is time they go upon their knees and declare that we as Church have sinned in God’s eyes for allowing humanism, modernism, and change to defile Christ’s legacy. 
Without this done, where is their Lenten penance? Their Holy Week solemnity is then reduced to an empty formalityand it is anticipated that this year’s ceremonies in Rome will be another farcical tool to advance Islam and political LGBT agenda. What next, will the pope wash the feet of gays and transgenders? Willthe bishops stand by and watch the show or will they finally speak up to correct a situation that is offensive to God and destructive to His people?
Each year at the Easter Vigil we are asked, “Do you renounce Satan and all his pomps and all his works,” as we say, “I do.” Let Francis and his bishops live up to that this year by rejecting all that Satan has given them, i.e. Vatican II ecumenism, modernism, change, lest this year’s observance again be filled with empty pomp void of the work of God.


Friday, April 12, 2019

Pope’s House Liturgist: “Limit Access to the Traditional Rite”

Andrea Grillo, the liturgist who is heard by Pope Francis, prefers to dispose of Summorum Pontificum today rather than tomorrow and is looking for crown witnesses.

(Rome) In the spirit of its political analogues, the ecclesiastical left demands the end of freedom. The liturgical scientist Andrea Grillo, a dogged opponent of the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, who finds an open ear in the Italian Episcopal Conference and in Santa Marta, is calling for stricter access to the traditional rite.

The free exercise of religion for believers and especially priests of the tradition should, according to the liturgist Andrea Grillo, be restricted. As reason for his demand he identifies the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, that of Pope Benedict XVI., adopted in 2007. Summorum Pontificum, which have a homeland to the traditional form of the Roman rite, leads, according to Grillo, to an "ever more paralyzing embarrassment" in the Corpus ecclesiae, which is why it urgently needs a return to a unified rite - and that could only be the Novus Ordo.

Andrea Grillo teaches liturgical sciences at the Roman Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo of the Benedictine Order. He is not an isolated gambler, but is much appreciated in Santa Marta as a kind of "house liturgist" by Pope Francis.

Hate object Summorum Pontificum

In mid-2017, he attacked Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Worship and the Order of the Sacraments, with unbelievable severity. He insulted the Cardinal for being "incompetent" and "unsuited" for his office. At the same time, he accused Benedict XVI, whom he called only "Ratzinger", of being the cause of the Church's "failure".

Grillo's enemy image of the traditional rite

The wrath of the Novus Ordo liturgist was challenged by Cardinal Sarah's persistent call to all priests to return to the East or ad Deum celebrations, as well as Benedict XVI's. ordered reform of Missal translations in the vernacular languages.

Grillo is a key figure of the inner-Church secret commission that Pope Francis established in late 2016. He works behind the back of Cardinal Sarah, the prefect responsible, but with the consent of Pope Francis at an "ecumenical Mass". It would be the definitive "liturgical revolution" after the radical liturgical reform of 1969, as Riccardo Cascioli, the editor-in-chief of Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, wrote in June 2017.

The existence of this commission, which was revealed by the Vatican Marco Tosatti on December 26, 2016, has not been confirmed by the Vatican, but denied at the end of 2017. The corresponding rumors and hints persist, however, and do not allow any reasonable doubt as to the existence of this liturgical commission. In January 2017, Spanish columnist Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña even revealed the names of the commissioners - including Andrea Grillo.

Grillo is one of those in the papal entourage who is worried about a "renunciation of renunciation." What if Benedict XVI, who has continued to maintain his pope's name and numerous visible signs of papal dignity, resigns from his resignation and reclaims his powers as pope? Such an option seems increasingly unlikely due to age. Nevertheless, Grillo hinted at what might happen if Pope Francis was to die and to be replaced by Benedict XVI. The fear of a possible reaction of Benedict drives the liturgist, to ever new, increasingly explosive attacks. Nothing will change that as long as the German church leader lives.

While others are silent, Cardinal Sarah replied on 6 June 2017 to the attacks against Benedict XVI .:

"The arrogance, the violence of the language, the lack of respect and the inhuman contempt for Benedict XVI. are diabolical and cover the Church with a cloak of sadness

and shame. The people destroy the Church and its deeper nature. The Christian does not fight anyone. He has no enemies to defeat. "

At the same time, he emphasized that before and after the Council, the Church was and always must be the same Church, because there is no Church with two identities.

A hard patch for the traditional rite

Italy has always been a hard patch for the traditional rite. There are several reasons for this. The Italians as a Mediterranean people are quite emotional, but not dogmatic. In addition, the bond with Rome is a matter of course. The change from Vetus to Novus Ordo was correspondingly untraumatic. And corresponding difficulties are encountered by the faithful of the traditional rite for obtaining Mass locations. The bishops are largely deaf to their wishes.

There is also another factor: the massive presence of a strictly Moscow-based Communist Party and another galaxy surrounding other Marxist parties and organizations after the Second World War made a part of Catholicism eager to seek an alliance between socialism and Christianity and to accept the corresponding politicization. As a result, the Catholic world and its institutions have gradually been interspersed and disintegrated since the 1960s.

This alliance became apparent when, on 1 June 2018, the new Italian government of the Five-Star Movement and Lega was sworn in. They took power, like family minister Lorenzo Fontana. Andrea Grillo lunged at him with incredible vehemence. What makes Fontana the hate object of a liturgist? He is opposed to abortion, mass immigration, gay marriage, gender ideology and visits Mass every Sunday in the traditional rite.

Grillo initiated a conflict  and employed choice words that were previously known only by the radical left. He cursed Fontana as a "fascist" and wrote on Twitter:

Summorum Pontificum is "fascism"

"One of the requirements for Fontana's fascism is Summorum Pontificum. Memento ... "

In other words, the "home liturgist" of Pope Francis sees Summorum Pontificum as an expression of "fascism" and implicitly also Benedict XVI. as "fascists.” Grillos' verbal derailment reveals the radical nature of the unholy fusion of left-catholicism with the left-leaning left - especially in the language. The fact that he was not condemned or even reprimanded by the episcopal side or by the university where he teaches, clarifies the drama of the inner-church situation.

Fontana reacted calmly:

"The hatred of the elites does not scare me."

Crown witness Hans Urs von Balthasar

In recent months, the attacks on Summorum Pontificum in Italy have become more conspicuous, so conspicuous. It is unclear whether this is an organized thrust. Recently, Andrea Grillo also participated in this with an essay on his blog. The blog Come se non, parked on the website of Munera - a European Cultural Magazine, highlights how pinned Grillo is to the enemy image of the Summorum Pontificum, to which numerous entries are devoted.

Hans Urs von Balthasar Little Primer for the Unsettled Laity (1980)

On February 18, he led Hans Urs von Balthasar as a witness for the necessary and legitimate "end of Vetus Ordo" in the field. In his book "Little Primer for the Unsettled Layman," published in 1980, Balthasar states "with great clarity" that the traditional rite "was definitively overcome by the liturgical reform". Balthasar writes that against all criticism of the "traditionalists", whom he accuses of "sectarian" behavior, everything ultimately speaks "for the Council Church and against the traditionalists.” The Holy Mass required an urgent renewal, especially the participatio actuosa of all believers in the sacred action, which was a matter of course in the first century. The Roman canon had remained unchanged and Communion received while standing  in the hand was common until the 9th century.

Traditionalism, on the other hand, does not lean on living theology and philosophy, and for that very reason it can not claim validity today. Balthasar refers to the view of various theologians, including Joseph Ratzinger, that the traditional rite could have survived a transitional period parallel to the Novus Ordo, but then dissolved in an "organic" way and will would completely replaced by the New Rite.

So far, these are some aspects that led Balthasar in his writing. Not only do they inspire Grillo, because Balthasar can not be dismissed as a "progressive", as the liturgist emphasizes in his remarks. It is likely to encourage him because Balthasar in his remarks is repeatedly called upon by the then theologian and Archbishop of Munich-Freising, Joseph Ratzinger.

Grillos quarantine claims

Grillo draws from this his conclusions. In "Ratzinger's autobiography,”  he attributed the liturgical form to a "supplementary character" and described the Tridentine rite in the version of 1962 as "inviolable". But Balthasar's remarks would emphasize, with reference to Ratzinger, that the liturgical reform of 1969 was an "inescapable necessity," even though the previous form of the Roman rite in a "provisional and limited" wat could continue to enjoy protection. Grillo's quintessence:

Ordinary for Liturgical Sciences at the Benedictine School of Sant'Anselmo in Rome
Professor of Liturgy at the Benedictine School of Sant'Anselmo in Rome

"If one hears the words of Balthasar again at an interval of 40 years, they point out the only possible way to get out of an increasingly paralyzing embarrassment."

From this the liturgical scientist formulates his demands:

-The upswing of liturgical reform can not take place unless all work on a single rite.

-Access to the previous rite is destined to extinguish,  and can only be performed in exceptional circumstances, under the supervision of the locally competent authority.

-The "development" of the new rite, with all the corrections and necessary promotions, can only be done at a "single table": there is no other possibility that forms two rites, one of which has arisen to replace the other, other than division, disruption and discord.

Finally, Andrea Grillo triggers the guillotine:

"He [Balthasar] knew already 40 years ago that the model of 'structural rite parallelism' was not an ecclesiastical rematch of the past versus the future, but the sectarian delirium of a past that has no future."

It is "extremely worrying" that a man like Andrea Grillo is heard by Pope Francis, said  in early 2017, the Spanish columnist Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Munera / Come non / NLM (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Pope Grovels to Sudanese Islamists

Voris Visits Saint Benedict Center in Richmond

I'm Michael Voris coming to you from the St. Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire. The St. Benedict Center is home to a small but faithful community currently consisting of four brothers and eight sisters.
The community has been here since 1989 and is dedicated to living a humble life of prayer as well as action.
The founder of the original community in 1949 was Jesuit priest Fr. Leonard Feeney who defended the Catholic dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus — "outside the Church there is no salvation.”
His community was called Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
In the years immediately following World War II, a great movement for interfaith cooperation and false ecumenism began taking hold in the West, and the Catholic dogma about the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation became something of an embarrassment for a number of senior Churchmen.


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Vatican Cardinal Denounces Political Push for Open Borders

Cardinal Robert Sarah: Catholic Church should not support "this new form of slavery that is mass migration"

By David Martin 

In an interview last week, Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation of Divine Worship, condemned the present pontifical push for migration into Europe, saying that the Catholic Church should not support “this new form of slavery that is mass migration.” He said, “God never intended these fractures.” 
The cardinal was indirectly rebutting Pope Francis’ political activism in telling Christian nations that they should open their borders to Islamic “refugees” and be more “welcoming.” Sarah said that using the Bible to promote migration constitutes a “false exegesis,” and said it is better “to help people flourish in their culture than to encourage them to come to Europe.”

In his recently published book titled Evening Draws Near and the Day is Nearly Over, the cardinal says it is wrong to “use the Word of God to promote migration” and laments the “collapse of the West,” as well as the “migratory processes” that threaten Europe’s identity.
According to Sarah, the stability of Christian Europe is indispensable for the peace and security of the world. “If Europe disappears, and with it the priceless values of the Old Continent, Islam will invade the world and we will completely change culture, anthropology, and moral vision,” he warned.
The cardinal pulled no punches in decrying treasonous bishops, cardinals, and priests who ignore their pastoral duties and who instead engage in this political activism.
“In the Church there have always been betrayals. Today, I can say without fear that some priests, some bishops and even some cardinals are afraid to proclaim what God teaches and to transmit the doctrine of the Church,” he said. “And so they say confusing, vague, inaccurate things, to escape any criticism, and to enlist in the stupid evolution of the world. This is a betrayal.”
He laments false pastors who “yield to the morbid, wicked temptation to align the Church with the current values of Western societies” and who “want people to say that the Church is open, welcoming, attentive, modern.”
Sarah said that while “Some have adopted the ideologies of today’s world with the fallacious pretext of being open to the world,” we instead “should bring the world to be open to God, who is the source of our existence.”
He minced no words in repudiating this globalist push for a one-world government, saying, “This contemporary desire to globalize the world, ridding it of nations with their distinctive characteristics is sheer madness.”

Cardinal Sarah is certainly on key in rebutting Francis’ idea of allowing Islamic insurgents to overrun the nations. It doesn’t take a theologian or learned person to know that guarding our borders is what protects and liberates while opening our borders is what destroys and enslaves.
This applies to the Church too. Opening the Church’s doors and allowing the world to overrun it has wrought great destruction in the Church since Vatican II. And then they wonder why we have the abuse problems!  Allowing heretics and sodomites to come in and lay their eggs is what has hatched the evil. Allowing wolves to enter and tear at the sheep is the work of a “hireling,” not a shepherd.
Sarah alluded to Francis, saying, “If he does not teach the faith, if he enjoys activism instead of reminding people that they are made for prayer, he betrays his mission.” He said, “Jesus says, ‘I will strike the shepherd and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered.’ This is what is happening today. People no longer know who to turn to.”

Vatican Cardinal: Encouraging Immigration Misrepresents the Gospel

(Breitbart) The prominent Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah, as his newly released book is causing furor in Europe, said it is wrong to “use the word of God to promote migration.”
The Guinean cardinal, prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship, said that using the Bible to promote migration constitutes “false exegesis,” adding that it is better “to help people flourish in their culture than to encourage them to come to Europe.”

David Martin is the former moderator for St. Michaels Radio which is the one radio program of our time specializing in Catholic prophecy. He has also authored numerous articles on the Church and the Papacy which have appeared on various blogs and websites.David presently resides in Los Angeles, California where for thirty years he has coordinated a Catholic ministry. He is a daily communicant in his parish church and strongly supports Benedict XVI’s aspiration to see the Traditional Latin Mass returned to every Catholic parish of the world.


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Administrative Judge: Asylum Seekers Often Seek Conversion for Appearance’s Sake

Currently, the Düsseldorf administrative court has 8,660 asylum cases pending. The courts would accuse churches of issuing inflation certificates to refugees

Düsseldorf (kath.net) Many asylum seekers from Islamic countries only change from Islam to Christianity for "asylum tactics reasons". This is according to the German administrative judge Andreas Mueller according to a report of the "world", as the Lutheran news agency "idea" reports. The conversion is often not carried out, out of inner conviction. "In nine out of ten cases", the courts are being lied to  that would have to decide on the seriousness of the change of religion, so Müller. Currently, the Düsseldorf administrative court has 8,660 asylum cases pending, writes the newspaper. Almost one in ten plaintiffs comes from Iran. Of these, around 70 percent refer to a conversion (change of religion) from Islam to Christianity. The success rate is currently 15 to 20 percent. Therefore, the court often refuses the requested legal aid in advance for lack of success. The courts would accuse the churches of issuing inflated certificates to refugees. On the other hand this explains, among other things, according to the refugee commissioner of the Lippische regional church, Superintendent Dieter Bökemeier (Detmold),  for Die Welt on Sunday, that the evaluation of the courts need not be a “faith-TÜV." [Lutheran Church Catechism]  The charge that the church baptism is too fast and reckless, is  unjustified. He had himself baptized numerous refugees. Each baptized person had previously gone through a three-month course of faith. He experiences "these people as serious and very religious".

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Monday, April 8, 2019

Vatican Warmly Receives Aberrosexual Lobby

(Rome) Today, for the first time, homosexual activists were officially received in the Vatican, but unlike the visitors initially announced and expected. Nevertheless, it was a historic event in the history of the Church.

Last week, French sociologist and gay activist Frederic Martel announced that Pope Francis would welcome an international group of homosexual activists. He referred to an Argentine compatriot and personal friend of the Pope, the former Supreme Court Judge and homosexual left-intellectual Raul Eugenio Zaffaroni.

Martel's announcement caused a great deal of commotion after the Vatican had just left the Christian World Family Congress in Verona a week ago. While the supreme ecclesiastical body has distanced itself from Christian associations committed to marriage and the family, does the Pope receive homosexual activists? The optics hung doubly wrong.

Martel, citing Zaffaroni, had also announced a "historical speech" by Pope Francis in favor of homosexuality. Yesterday, he dialed back. The speech was "canceled". Thus Pope Francis had missed "a historic opportunity". The apology, however, added to the sociology, as the Pope is under constant observation of his critics in the Church.

Vatican spokesman Gisotti also denied yesterday that Francis will be giving a "historical speech" today. He did not deny the audience. The decisions seem to have fallen only at the last moment. The trick was to send a signal of "openness" to the gay lobby, but not to give the inner-church resistance to the papal course too much impetus.

The result showed today. It was not Pope Francis who received the delegation of homosexuals, but Cardinal Secretary of State Parolin. It was also the cardinal who last week announced the distancing of the Holy See from the World Family Congress.

Behind the scenes, it seems that the last one has been worked out, because it seems hardly believable - however extravagant Zaffaroni may be - that the former Supreme Court Judge invented the audience with the Pope and his "historical speech" and even signed his own signature.

By noon this morning [5 -April], the invited homo-activists knew about the exact program. Homosexual organization Egale Canada tweeted:

"Today in the Vatican, we are witness to a historic meeting with the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, to discuss the situation of discrimination and violence against LGBTI [He forgot “P”] people in the world." 

“We expect a historic meeting in the Vatican"

Vatican spokesman Alessandro Gisotti then gave, unlike after numerous private audiences, an official statement.

"Cardinal Pietro Parolin received today in the Vatican a group of 50 persons, who work in different ways against the criminalization of homosexuality."

The Cardinal Secretary of State was on this occasion, Zaffaroni and Martel had already announced, "a study on the criminalization of homosexual relations in the Caribbean" passed.

"Cardinal Parolin gave a short greeting to those present, reaffirming the position of the Catholic Church in defending the dignity of every human being and against any form of violence.
“After listening to the comments of some of the participants in the meeting, Cardinal Parolin assured that he would inform the Holy Father about the content of the study. "

The "Globo Homo” was very pleased with the audience, even if it was not given by the Pope himself. The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) tweeted:

"ILGA World attended the historic meeting and called for a deeper dialogue."

ILGA World in the Vatican

ILGA World, the Globo Homo umbrella organization, also published a detailed statement.

In fact, the audience was "historic" even without Pope Francis. For the first time, the Gay Lobby was officially able to incorporate its more ventral positions into the Vatican, and was recognized by the highest government representative of the Pope, the Secretary of State, as a dialogue partner at state, not pastoral level. The attendees were not received as persons with their individual destinies, but - for the first time in history - as representatives of the organized gay lobby.

Egale Canada wrote on Twitter:

"We are proud to participate in this moment in history. This is the first time that #LGBTI activists have met #Vatican. At a meeting with Cardinal Parolin, we called on Pope Francis (@Pontifex) to make a statement condemning the criminal laws that persecute LGBTI people.”

How much balancing act does the Church engage in behind the closed doors for the Christian World Family Congress and the open doors to the organized gay lobby?

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Twitter (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Progressive Apparatchiks in Switzerland Threaten Split If They Don’t Get Reformist Bishop in Chur

The truth is that the anti-Church reforms would just cause the split. This is true for anyone who wants to change the Church using synodal or other ways - The Monday kick by Peter Winnemöller

Linz (kath.net) Episcopal election campaign is a strange term. Nevertheless, he somehow uses it to address the incidents in Zurich. To use funds of the Church for an anti-church action behind the back of the bishop, in fact, that is only possible in Switzerland. The state churches manage the funds, the bishops have no say. This is an untenable situation, against which, however, only a few bishops resist.

One who resists this is Bishop Vitus Huonder. Already immediately after his election he was attacked and slandered. The Left media had him in mind from the beginning. A bishop who represents the Church's teaching in faith and morals, is an abomination to the world.

The term of office of Bishop Huonder is coming to an end. He will be on duty until Easter, when he will soon be on retirement. The mice are already rehearsing the dance on the tables. Most recently, the Regional Vicar of Zurich, Josef Annen, who recently, together with Synodal President Counselor, Franziska Driessen-Reding, wrote an open letter to Pope Francis as an ad in various newspapers published at the expense of the Church.

The background is the desire to get a bishop in the diocese of Chur in the future, who is amenable to the national church and no longer tries to interfere. Where the future bishop should be in matters of faith is clearly visible in the contents of the open letter.

The age-old reform agenda of the mission of Church sexual morality, the democratization of the Church and the women's priesthood are embossed in the paid advertisement. In many places in the Church - like the synodal path of the DBK - it shows how constant drops slowly hollow the stone. But consider at this point that reforms that take place against faith and custom are not in the truth.

Reforms of this kind do not change the Church, they do not change the teaching and certainly not the faith. They only inevitably lead to schism. The would-be reformers know that, because it is not for nothing that in the open letter designed as an ad, a split is blatantly mentioned as a threat. It is perfidious to use separation as a pressure medium in this form. It is diabolical, therefore, where there are threats of a split demands for required reforms are not met.

The truth is that the anti-Church reforms would just cause the split. This applies to all who want to change the Church in synodal or other ways. They do not change the Church, they divide parts of the Church and take many of good faith into the spiritual abyss. That is the danger that must be counteracted.

After the term of office of the current bishop of Chur, it is therefore not important to have a bishop who is after the hearts of the reformists. A bishop is needed who can continue to proclaim the faith without any curtailment and who can and wants to defy the unhealthy ecclesiastical system in Switzerland.

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Sunday, April 7, 2019

Church Militant Covers Sex Abuse Story Around Opus Dei

Edit: just got this from Randy Engle who has been following a sex abuse case in Spain.

[Church Militant]  Whether it's members of the Catholic Church following Christ, Jesuits following St. Ignatius of Loyola or Opus Dei members following St. Josémaría Escrivá, questions of fidelity inevitably arise.

Scandal is plaguing Opus Dei, the community of clerics and laity founded by St. Escrivá in 1928. His vision that holiness is for everyone and is accomplished in the ordinary acts of daily life has helped many Catholics draw closer to God. At his canonization in 2002, Pope John Paul II drewattention to Escrivá's mission:

Indeed, he never stopped inviting his spiritual children to invoke the Holy Spirit to ensure that their interior life, namely, their life of relationship with God and their family, professional and social life, totally made up of small earthly realities, would not be separated but would form only one life that was "holy and full of God."


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Diocese of Limburg Recommends Visiting a Mosque for Lent

The representative of the diocese wants to push Catholics from the worship of God of to that of the God in the black stone.

Limburg Catholics are supposed to make a pilgrimage to the mosques because Muslims were murdered at the other end of the world. The German guilt cult knows no bounds [excerpt: catholic.de, page of the Catholic Church in Germany]

"Once upon a time, Mohammedans were
 the victims ..."

This statement is true only insofar as it concerns Europe. However, in the case of the terrorist attacks in Europe since the wave of immigration, the perpetrators were Mohammedans.

In the countries of allegedly peace-loving Islam, of course, the waves of assassination go on without abating: Shiites against Sunnis and vice versa.

"… at the other end of the world"

Because there was an attack on a mosque by a non-Mohammedan at the other end of the world, Frank van der Velden, an Islamic representative for the Limburg diocese, calls for a visit to a Friday prayer in a mosque by Catholics.

As if a European Catholic had murdered European Mohammedans during Friday prayers bowing to their god of the Black Stone.

Or, more clearly, neither the Mohammedans who had moved to Europe nor the Christian population of Europe were affected - neither as victims nor as perpetrators.

Limburger Schnapsidee

The glorious idea comes from Frank van der Velden, the Episcopal Representative for Islamic Issues of the Diocese of Limburg.

Van der Velden, a middle-aged theological graduate, studied Arabic in Syria and lived in Egypt for about 17 years. Therefore, his inclination to Islam should come as well.

Limburg, as a sign of Islamization, has had a burial ground for Mohammedans for 14 years. Because mandatory coffin law prevails (rejected by Muselmen) and the graves do not exist for ever, the number of buried Mecca pilgrims can be counted on two hands.

Personal contact with obstacles

Ünal Kaymakci, a Mohammedan lawyer and board member of the Islamic Religious Community of Hesse, announced that they would offer the unfaithful visitors of Friday prayers a place in the mosque to attend prayers as onlookers - but men and women would have to sit apart, as in Medieval Europe or as in synagogues these days.

Bad luck for cosmopolitan emancers in search of multicultural contacts. Because with the Mohammedans, there is still discipline and order, when one lowers the head on the ground during prayer (and forcibly raises the backside in the air).

"Nec laudibus nec timore!"

Blessed Clemens August Cardinal of Galen, motto
The traditional Catholic definitions of terms apply.

Quid ubi

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com