(Rome) This photoshop has been in circulation for some time, but we have refrained from publishing it because it could have been dismissed as cheap and disrespectful propaganda. Meanwhile, however, it has been released, entirely above suspicion, namely, on Vatican Radio where it is apparently considered funny and good.
Vatican Radio is one of the official media organs of the Pope. Listeners and readers in Italy were amazed just a month ago just what was happening on the German site of Vatican Radio, but is only now becoming widely available.
On November 6, at 17:49 on the Facebook page of the German section of Vatican Radio a photoshop of Pope Francis in the guise of Martin Luther was published. The text:
"Also a nice variant. We wish you a restful Sunday."
Who is the Pope laughing at? About the "Reformation" or the Catholic Church?
A bad joke? A malicious photoshop?
A joke? A bad joke? A malicious photoshop to discredit Pope Francis? Not at all.
Pope Luther or Protestant Bergoglio? What does Vatican Radio mean?
The weekly,Die Zeit had published the photoshop with the caption published on 4 November: "That Pope Francis considers Luther positively is well known. But is it right?" It was part of the coverage of the Reformation memorandum on 31 October in Lund, Sweden, where Pope Francis had participated.
We of Katholisches.info had seen the photoshop on other sites, but did not post it out of respect for the Pope, because it seemed to us as if it it would be perceived as a critique of Francis and could have been dismissed as cheap polemics. That's what we thought. The editors of the German section of Vatican Radio thinks as quite differently and thinks only too well of it. It is likely that the idea that Francis is the Luther of the 21st century was even considered humorous.
At any rate one knows how some of his German party see the reigning pope.
Some commentators on the Facebook site were enthusiastic: "A brilliant photoshop. Significant and courageous for further Lutheran-Catholic dialogue."
Others expressed their resentment, including those who considered the picture to be "striking," but for the precarious state in which the Church was in the German-speaking world. The German section of Vatican Radio seems to have so arrived in the pleasure society. The concept was already old in the 90s, but it is said that there is a certain "retardation" in Rome.
The original: Martin Luther, the most successful heretic of the German Middle Ages
In the German editorial office of Radio Vatikan, they are also pleased to see that in Austria the former party chairman of the Greens and former KPÖ voters, the atheist who had become a freemason in 1975, abortion, homosexual and immigration advocate, Alexander Van der Bellen, Was elected! Was that too polemical? Oh no. Given the "humor" of the German section of Vatican Radio certainly not.
Image: Vatican Radio / Facebook (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Within a month or two of Bergoglio's election, I came to believe his main theme was "Luther was right".
ReplyDeleteIt's a daily shame that he occupies the Vatican.
Thanks to BXVI who gave him to us and who is totally in agreement with Bergoglio. Ad AB Ganswein has said it many times, the only difference between them, is "in style".
DeleteI long ago predicted on this very site that he will faux canonize Luther and that that was the precise intention of the previous faux "sainthoods" of JPII, JXXIII, etc. Scandal and sin are not obstacles for tarnished haloes. Those anything goes-canonizations were only meant to pave the way for this ultimate insult to God. Nothing else would fit the description of "the Church will appear dead" than to have the antichrist precursor Luther appear to ascend the Altars. As he was the arch-heretic in life he could only be made an arch-saint. It would indeed then seem (in appearance) that the Catholic Church is "no more".
ReplyDeleteUtter madness grips the Vatican.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's not the only place, Nicholas.
DeleteIf indeed it's a 'madness' that grips the Vatican, it's not any old madness, it's a DIABOLICAL MADNESS.
Deleteand today Bergoglio said in reference to people reading news not put out by the globalist, corporate news propaganda as "feces eaters."
ReplyDeleteIs there someone here in the forum that still believes this man is pope and if so can you explain why you believe this since he's clearly not even Catholic.
And the world's media has published this. I don't know but has the man no sense of decency, dignity or decorum? Perhaps it is all part of making a mess? This is the language of a yob.
DeleteI believe it's exactly what the late Fr. Malachy Martin said, an attack on the office of the papacy. Obviously nobody can imagine a pope being so vulgar and common, I don't even think I can imagine a priest (that I know) speaking this way. Can you imagine Pius IX, X,XI,XII speaking like this, saying what Bergoglio says?
DeletePius XII was very liberal.
DeleteHe was yes in ways, he gave Bugnini his go ahead to dismantle Holy Week so his record is what it is but he would not speak in such a vulgar way like Bergoglio. So I don't believe he's pope, anti pope sure.
DeleteSometimes I wonder if Bergoglio is more close to a true conversion than myself.
DeleteHe is open and honest about his hatred of Catholicism.
Where I am lukewarm he is very cold.Where I half hearted practice Catholicism he is openly blasting sacred tradition and truth.
Think about what I saying itay be wrong but it's a great possibility.
It would be hard to argue that the burden of proof is not on those who claim he is still a catholic...
ReplyDeleteIf only Pope Francis would leave the Church, as Martin Luther did, and take all of the other Modernists with him, that would be a good thing.
ReplyDeleteHe left a long time ago and so has every other modernist. When will all trads realize this fact?
Deleteactually he /will/ leave the church, and he will take millions of undercatechised lukewarm vc2 modernist catholics with him.
ReplyDeletehe will form the one world religion, and then hand it over the the antichrist.
that is where all francis' ecumenism is heading, eg luthernas, muslims, etc, and that is what revelation chapter 13 is about:
the false idol that the false prophet makes people worship is this one world religion that will answer to the antichrist.
also see la salette 170 years ago:
"rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antchrist"
this is the aim of whole mission.
he is not an old senile liberal social justice south american jesuit that talks s**t (now, literally).
he knows exactly what he is doing.
he is a part of a very old masonic (read: satanic) plan, and we are living in the end-game of that plan.
but time is very much running out for team gog.
it's 4th and goal and clocks just about run out.
they are on their final play, because the triumph of the immaculate heart of mary is about to occur.
fatima 100 years ago: "in the end my immaculate heart will triumph."
He is doing as his friend said, "speeding up" as he perceives he is running out of time.
DeleteGod is at the helm of His church, He steers the rudder...we are like the people in the boat with Jesus, when they cried out during the storm.
What an amazing time to be alive and witness this. Of all times to be born, we were all born at the time to enable us to be here, it's both terrible and wonderful. God be praised!
So... murmuring like the Israelites did against Moses during the Exodus?
DeleteIn that case, Pope Francis is part of God's plan :)
DeleteIn that case Pope Francis is part of God's plan! :)
DeleteThe mess Luth-if-er made was no laughing matter :(
ReplyDeleteRe Luther...
ReplyDeleteWhat on earth is he doing?
"In 1883, Sister Maria Serafina Micheli (1849-1911) was beatified in Faicchio in the province of Benevento in the diocese of Cerreto Sannita 28 May 2011, the foundress of the Sisters of the Angels, was going to Eisleben, Saxony, the birthplace of Luther. The fourth centenary of the birth of the great heretic (10 November 1483) was celebrated on that day.
The streets were crowded, balconies included. Among the many personalities were expected at any time, with the arrival of Emperor Wilhelm I, who presided over the solemn celebrations.
The future Blessed, noting the great hoopla was not interested in knowing the reason for this unusual animation, wanted to find a church and pray to be able to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. After walking for a while, she finally found one, but the doors were closed. She knelt on the steps for serenity prayer. As it was in the evening, she had not noticed that it was not a Catholic church, but Protestant. While praying, the angel appeared, who said to her. “Arise, because it is a Protestant church” Then he added: “But I want you to see where Martin Luther was condemned and the pain he suffered as a punishment for his pride.”
After these words, she saw a terrible abyss of fire, where they were cruelly tortured countless souls. In the bottom of this hole there was a man, Martin Luther, which differed from the other: it was surrounded by demons that forced him to kneel, and all armed with hammers, they tried in vain , to shove a big nail in the head. Religious thought, if some of the people had seen this dramatic scene, they would not have made honors and other commemorations and celebrations for such a character.
Later, when the opportunity arose to remind his sisters live in humility and in secret. She was convinced that Martin Luther was punished in hell especially for the first deadly sin of pride. Pride is a deadly sin, brought him open rebellion against the Roman Catholic Church. His behavior, his attitude towards the Church, and his preaching were crucial to encourage and bring many souls to eternal ruin."
Another warning to us all from that GREAT Mystic, Stigmatic St Padre Pio
Please warn the faithful ....
Francis is an antipope. Visit vaticancatholic.com.