Showing posts with label Sacrilege. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sacrilege. Show all posts

Sunday, April 3, 2016

"Worrying Trend of Antagonism to Christians" - Arson Attacks Against Churches

Burning Church of Ylivieska
(Helsinki) The number of arson attacks against churches is in a "worrying" trend, says Corrispondenza Romana.  Behind this stands an increasing hostility towards Christians. Two of the latest examples speak for themselves.
On Easter night, a Lutheran church in the Finnish city of Ylivieska was burned.  The old wooden church, which had been built in 1786, was swept away by the flames.  Despite the immediate intervention of the fire brigade, the church could not be saved.
The faithful were appalled. They insisted in celebrating Easter service at the burned church. The firefighters left no doubt. It was arson. Since the fire was set at the Easter Vigil, where the Christians would commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, there is little doubt that this was a targeted anti-Christian action. A 30-year man is said to have been arrested, according to social networks.  

Arsons in Calais

Saint Pierre of Calais
The fire of Ylivieska is not an isolated case.  Last January two Catholic churches in France were set on fire. A church in Fontainebleau and in Veneux-les-Sablons. Both churches are consecrated to Saint King Louis IX. 
Last Tuesday unknown individuals set fire to the Catholic Church of St. Peter of Calais in northern France. Also in this case, no people were injured. The cultural and moral damage, however, is large.
In Calais the rapid deployment of the fire brigade prevented worse. The organ, a lectionary and altar vestments were damaged. The fire had been set at five different locations. The Mass on Wednesday morning has been canceled because the police had closed the church closed for the investigation.
On Wednesday afternoon because of the sacrilegious attack, a rite of reparation took place instead.  Then  Holy Mass was celebrated. Pastor Pierre Poidevin filed a complaint with the police against the unknown persons.
"Calais, which is flooded with  uncontrolled mass immigration, has experienced, simultaneously with complete indifference of the media and authorities, a criminal form of Christian hostility", said press agency Medias Press Info . The arson in the Saint-Pierre Church was no more than an example.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana / No Cristianofobia (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Friday, April 1, 2016

Basilica of Saint Vincent Turned into Nightclub for Easter Sunday

Edit: very different rites were held this Easter at the Basilica of Saint Vincent in Metz, France. The ancient Gothic edifice dating back to the 14th century has been hijacked by a nightclub promoter for the purpose of turning it into a dance hall with the approval of Metz's current secular rulers.  Like goblins and imps, the youth and some not-so-youth of the city have misused these halls which were once the earthly home of God almighty, as a nightclub from 8am to 10pm.   The event's promoter, Irenaeus Sutter, pretends innocence and insists that he does not understand the negative reactions, which include about 20% of those hundreds who've contacted him so far via e-mai.

 Some suggest that since this building has been deconsecrated that it may be used for profane and immoral purposes.  Naturally, we disagree.  It is unfortunate that there aren't apparently enough Catholics in Metz remaining to stop such sacrilegious acts.

Riposte Catholique is one of the first Catholic blogs to post on this that we know.  

The French State controls and supports church properties, an unfortunate state of affairs in effect since 1905.  It's often been far from clear that French secularism appreciates the hallowed nature of these places and that even when effectively removed from regular use, still have the symbology of the Christian faith, which opportunists love to mock in the spirit of the age.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Church Janitor Destroys Sacrilegious Cathedral Display

Edit: someone at the Cathedral of Saint Cecelia in Omaha Nebraska thought it was a good idea to include mannequins of Mary Poppins, a Buddha for a King and I display and Queen Elizabeth I of England, scourge of the Church. 

Although Mark Kenney, the man who tossed the ridiculous displays out of the cathedral has some sense, neither the pastor, a canon lawyer, a religious educator with a hyphenated name from the nearby Jesuit University, not the approproately named Archbishop George Lucas have any sense.

[Omaha] ...Mark Kenney  returned to Omaha and has worked blue-collar jobs, including the $12-an-hour position that he lost at the cathedral. He now is a custodian at a nursing home. His wife of 32 years is a pharmacy technician, and they care for her 62-year-old sister, who has mental disabilities.

In a letter of termination two days after the festival incident, Gutgsell wrote to Kenney: “None of the florists and none of the volunteers, any number of whom took time off their work or traveled some distance, had the slightest intention or reason to dishonor the Cathedral. You assigned the word ‘desecration’ to the entire project and as a result slandered anyone associated with it.”

Dwayne Ibsen, who provided the costumes, said Kenney tossed out an “Elizabeth I” outfit that had won six awards at national costumer conventions. Insurance companies are assessing the damage to mannequins and costumes, Ibsen said, adding that it appeared to be between $5,000 and $6,000.

Please Consider Contacting the Archdiocese about their evil conduct:

The Archdiocese of Omaha

100 N. 62nd St. Omaha, NE 68132
p: 402.558.3100  ·  f: 402.558.3026


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Archbishop Blase Cupich Celebrates Year of the Monkey

Edit: if they're not launching speed skaters down ramps anchored to the door of cathedrals, they're worshiping pagan deities, all in the name of diversity.  It's just another day in AmChurch, that's all. What an insult to the Chinese martyrs!
On February 21, 2016, Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich went to Chinatown's St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church to celebrate the Chinese New Year. According to the Chinese calendar, 2016 is the year of the monkey. 

Following Chinese pagan traditions, the lion and dragon dances at the New Year's eve celebration are meant to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck for the future year. Above and below first row, we see Cupich inside the church blessing a monster representing the lion.  

In the second row, the Chicago Archbishop concelebrates a Mass on an altar with several pagan symbols. The dragon, which dominates the front of the altar, represents good luck; the two black and gold labyrinths set on each end of the altar symbolize the flow of cosmic forces that one must try to balance but always ends in the same way: a shadowy life in the underworld. The incense burner at the side of the altar is to offer appeasement for the suffering souls of the ancestors – a pagan animist practice.

Link ...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Minnesota Cathedral Church Prostituted in Sacrilege to Evil Corporation for a Lot of Money

Can. 1210 In a sacred place only those things are to be permitted which serve to exercise or promote worship, piety and religion. Anything out of harmony with the holiness of the place is forbidden. The Ordinary may however, for individual cases, permit other uses, provided they are not contrary to the sacred character of the place. 

Edit: we've been told this is the fourth year this event has been going.  It's strange no one's noticed and complained.  What's wrong with these people?  This event involves some serious defacement of the Cathedral portal, where an enormous ice ramp is constructed to serve as a conveyance for ice skaters to race down the lengthy track for competitive and amateur skaters alike.  If that doesn't make things bad enough, the event is  hosted by Red Bull, a company that sells a noxious, heavily caffeinated and probably toxic beverage that's now popular.  This all takes place during Lent, no less, and "they're blocking Pope Jorge's portal of mercy,"  one reader asks, "how are people supposed to get the indulgence?"

 This is what makes it hard to understand how a local ordinary with the Catholic faith would tolerate his cathedral being used to launch skaters down a ramp, but we're no stranger to that kind of dereliction of duty in Minnesota, either.  Well, if you can't produce saints, you can at least make a lot of money?

This Archdiocese also hosts events like this at the the Basilica of St. Mary's in Minneapolis, where degenerate music acts perform on the parish grounds, and abortion and sodomarriage supporting sponsors use the church to earn money. It may be an event that's fun for the family, but in addition to its sacrilegious nature, supports the destruction of family.  Did someone take the two minutes or so to do a web search and find out if there were any conflicts between Red Bull and the Catholic Church before signing on?

Naturally, Red Bull is an evil, Godless corporation that supports the immoral and unnatural depravity of aberromarriage.

There's even an idiotic Deacon participating.  Apparently, he has no idea what he's doing or has no idea in what religion he belongs, and another priest skates haplessly along. The photos are from the Catholic Spirit.  The Coadjutor Bishop looks on.  Apparently, he doesn't see a conflict of interest, either.
Deacon Michael Daly
Or this alter christus, here:

Father Paul Shovelin

From the website:

Saint Paul, Minnesota, has been a fixture on the calendar of the fastest sport on skates for the past five seasons, but in 2016 it will host the thrilling season finale for the first time.
The Minnesota event is contested on a track of around 1,600 feet in length with a drop of 12 stories in front of the Cathedral of Saint Paul. It draws in excess of 120,000 wild fans, so expect high stakes and big drama as the riders fight it out for the championship title.

Follow the top Red Bull Crashed Ice competitors as they prepare for the season finale in Saint Paul in the six-episode video series "4 Below Zero."

US fans can watch the Saint Paul event on FOX on Saturday, March 5 at 2:30 p.m. ET.


Monday, November 16, 2015

"One Faith, One Baptism, One Lord" -- Papal Riddles: Is Pope Francis Calling for Inter-communion?

(Rome) Pope Francis visite the Evangelical Lutheran community of Rome on November 15th. That had been done before him by John Paul II. and Benedict XVI., albeit with slightly different accents. Pope Francis responded to some questions. The second question asked by Anke de Bernardinis, made a veiled question for Pope Francis to answer her question if after the interreligious general audience of 28 October, in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Rome there would be intercommunion? Which understanding does Pope Francis have of Eucharist? The word "Eucharist" was never used by the Pope, instead, he used the Protestant community's preferred expression "Lord's Supper" throughout.
My name is Anke de Bernardinis and like many people in my community, I'm married to an Italian who is a Roman Catholic Christian. We lived together happily for many years and share the joys and pains. It hurts us very much to be separated by faith, and not to be able to go together to the Lord's Supper. Would that we could  do at last as community [ital. comunione] to reach this point?
Cardinal Kasper as Pope Francis mentions him  

Pope Francis: Thank you, madam. [Silence]
When asked together to share the Lord's Supper, it is not easy for me to answer you, especially not in the presence of theologians like Cardinal Kasper! I'm afraid! [laughs;laughter; Applause]
I think that the Lord has told us when he gave us this mandate: "Do this in remembrance of me". And if we share the Lord's Supper, remember and imitate him, we do the same, that the Lord Jesus has done. And the Lord's supper, there will be the last banquet in the New Jerusalem, but that will be the last. On the way, however, I wonder - and I do not know how to answer, but  will make your question my own - I ask myself: Is this common Lord's Supper the goal of a path or it is to go the provision for the road to go together? I leave the question to the theologians, those who understand something of it.
It is true that in some ways  that there are no differences between us; that we have the same doctrine  - I underline the word, a difficult-to-understand word - but I wonder: But have we not the same baptism? And if we have the same baptism, then we have to go together.
They are a testimony of a deep path, because it is a conjugal way, a way of the family, of human love and said shared faith. We have the same baptism. If you feel as a sinner - and I feel myself very much a sinner - if your husband feels like a sinner, then you go to the Lord and ask him for forgiveness; your husband does the same and goes to the priest and asks for absolution. This is a help  to keep the baptism alive.
Pope takes notes during the question by Anke de Bernardinis, to which he responds spontaneously and freely
When you pray together, this baptism is growing strongly; if you teach your children who Jesus is, why Jesus came, what Jesus has done for us, you are doing the same whether in the Lutheran language or in the Catholic language, but it is the same. The Question: And the Supper? There are issues on which one, if one is honest with himself and with the few theological "Lumina", which I have, nonetheless must respond, see for yourself. "This is my body, this is my blood," the Lord has said, "do this in remembrance of me", and that's a provision on the way which helps us to go. I had a great friendship with a 48-year-old, married Anglican bishop with two children and he had this difficulty: a Catholic wife, Catholic children, himself a bishop. He accompanied his wife and children on Sunday for Mass, then went and directed the worship with his community. It was a step of participation in the Lord's Supper. Then he was gone, the Lord has called him, a righteous man. On your question I will pose to you  only one question: How can I go with my husband, so that the Lord's Supper accompanies me on my way? This is a problem that everyone must answer. But a pastor friend told me: "We believe that the Lord is there at present. He is present. You believe that the Lord is present. And where is the difference?" ---- "Ah, there are the statements, interpretations ... ".
Life is greater than the explanations and interpretations. Take always with respect to the baptism: "One faith, one baptism, one Lord," Paul   tells us, and draw the consequences. I'll never dare to give permission to do this, because it is not my responsibility. One baptism, one Lord, one faith. Speak with the Lord and continue. I do not dare to say more. [Applause]

The video for the answer

That's how Pope Francis  answered the question of a Lutheran. Did Pope Francis in his response urge inter-communion? Is  the answer of the head of the Catholic Church to be taken seriously: "I'm not saying that you should do it, but do it!"? What theological reasoning is this guide to action based on a question that has separated the Protestant denominations of the Catholic Church for half a millennium.
The video with the original sound begins at the point where the appropriate question is asked.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Bild: CTV (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

U.S. Secretary of State Attends Latin Mass in Vienna

Edit: certainly he's continuing his practice of sacrilegious Communions.

Vienna ( U.S. Secretary of State popped into the Saint Stephen's Cathedral on Sunday just before the conclusion of his Austria trip. "Kerry came just before 11 by the side door into the Cathedral and took part in the Latin Mass.", said Sacristan Georg Rejda for "Kathpress" (Monday). About an hour before the start of Mass officials of the Federal Police and the U.S. Delegation checked out the situation in the Cathedral. The visit of the U.S. Representative was unremarkable, a private person - as stated. The political significance of the important guests, was only revealed by the security detail.


Kerry was occupied for a good two weeks negotiation in the nuclear dispute surrounding Iran between the 5+ 1 group (the five UN voting powers and Germany) and Iran. The dispute surrounded the West's concern for ascertain able and believable guarantees that the Islamic Republic will not develop nuclear weapons and only use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. In return, Western sanctions will be discontinued.

The 71 year old travels with his 50 man entourage from the noble Hotel Imperial zum Coburg, where he is negotiating, and unleashes a chaos of traffic. Kerry is the first Catholic Secretary of State since the early 1980s. The Democrat from the eastern State of Massachusetts is considered to be a friend of Europe in Washington. Kerry visited Pope Francis initially last January.

Kerry has family roots in Austria: his father's family is from Bennisch in former Austrian Silesia (today Horni Benesov in Czech Republic ). His grandfather Fritz Kohn (1873-1921) converted in 1901 from Judaism to Catholicism, emigrating with his family to the U.S. and changed his surname to "Kerry".

Copyright 2015 Katholische Presseagentur KATHPRESS, Wien, Österreich

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Biennale of Venice: Mosque Installed in Church -- "Invitation to Muslims to Conquer"

(Venice) Provocations are the "business" In the context of the Venice Biennale, a bi-annual international art exhibition. For the first time a sacrilege takes place  as part of the Biennale. "A mosque has not yet been added to the more than a thousand-year history of Venice,"  wrote the Venetian daily Il Gazzetino  just  a few days ago. That was yesterday. Today Venice has its first mosque and indeed this coming November 22, in the framework of the Biennale.

Profanation of a Church as "Art" - Koran Verses, Mihrab and Prayer Rugs

The real challenge, however, is that the mosque was set up in a Catholic church, namely in Santa Maria della Misericordia in Cannaregio district. Although the church is closed to worship, it is still a consecrated place of worship. Now, however, it has been desecrated. That the he Church of "Mercy" falls into these calculations may be a coincidence, but it meets with  the so-called "new Mercy", the not uncontroversial keyword of the current pontificate.
In the Church there is everything: the Islamic prayer niche, Arabic panels with Koranic verses, the floor is covered entirely with carpets, including small green prayer rugs facing Mecca. The mihrab, the prayer niche in mosques, was built so that it covers the large crucifix of the church.  The new adaptation of the church is to be disturbed by nothing Christian. On the Baroque façade only the inscription  "Allah u Akbar" is missing.  The original intention was to install it  so it is  visible far and wide. Ultimately fees were waived because the city administration, as they say, had exerted pressure to omit the words.

Mosque installation as a Contribution by the Icelandic Consulate

And who came up with the "brilliant" idea? The mosque in the church was organized by the Icelandic Consulate at the Biennale. Of course, everything strictly covered under "artistic" creativity and under the panacea "artistic freedom".
With the transformation of the church into a mosque, moreover   the Swiss artist, Christoph Büchel, was commissioned by the Lutheran Republic of Iceland. He called his "art concept" The Mosque . According to the official statement the "installation" is to be a "message against Islamophobia."   The only question is why the Catholic Church prefers  victims of such politically correct "messages". The Icelandic Minister of Education, Science and Culture, Illugi Gunnarsson, explained that the idea to bury a mosque in a church is in order "to stimulate dialogue" - as the Minister - which is "open" in Iceland.
Gunnarsson is representative of the Liberal-Conservative Independence Party, which together with the CDU, CSU (Germany) and the ÖVP (Austria) in the International Democratic Union (IDU), in the European Parliament but seated with the British Conservatives and the German AFD in the Group of European Conservatives and Reformers.

Muslim Representatives Enthusiastic about Büchel Installation

Born in Basel,  artist Christoph Büchel has become known mainly through provocations. He is known for "institutional critique", which seems highly unlikely if he accepts government contracts, such as those of the Republic of Iceland. In 2010 Büchel installed "an area for sex culture" in the Vienna Secession. He designed the room in a swingers club. During the day it was visited by museum visitors, and at night   a Viennese Swinger Club moved its horizontal activities in the museum.
Mohamed Amin al-Ahdabd, the president of the Islamic community of venice showed himself to be enthusiastic about the Büchel Initiative in Venice. Amin al-Ahdadb realized, probably before anyone else, the importance of the event. "This project surpasses,  in effect, a hundred conferences on dialogue between cultures," said the Islamic representative.
A mosque is not ordained like the Catholic Church and therefore not a religious building. It is a meeting place that can be intricately designed more or less. In theory, however, any room is suitable  as a mosque. Therefore, the Installation awakened not only the appearance of a mosque, but is for Muslims a mosque, as the zealous prayer activities show.

Patriarchate Protested Against Illegal Use and Profanation of the Church

Although a Catholic church is being utilized for the "dialogue artwork", the responsible Patriarch of Venice, Msgr. Francesco Moraglia was never asked for permission. There is great vexation in the patriarchate. There is talk of "abuse", which is made worse because the Church was not only made available without permission, but was profaned.
Art as a sacrilege? The church has been closed for worship since 1969. However, this does not matter, because the church was never profaned. "The church is closed to worship and is no longer part of the church. It has fallen since 1973 to private ownership,"  says the Patriarchate in an official statement. Nevertheless, it said in the statement, "each usage deviating from the Christian Catholic cult needs permission by the ecclesiastical authority, regardless of who is currently in possession of the church. This permission was neither requested nor granted."
The church of Santa Maria della Misericordia has been  in use since  the year 936, but could be even older. The original church was byzantine in design.  In the 13th century it was renewed church gothic. Around 1650, the Baroque facade was built. In the church are works of Bernini's pupil, Clemente Moli. During the Napoleonic domination, the church was, like many others, desecrated and left to decay. The second half of the 19th century was followed by renovation work. In1890 the church was rededicated and reopened for worship.

Biennale sat down randomly over patriarchy away

Patriarchy was also know that "was asked in February about asking other churches in the city for this mosque installation. The patriarch, however, refused. "was not even asked for the church of Santa Maria della Misercordia. Since there was no permission, the Biennale director set aside the very decision of the diocese. An "act of arbitrariness", says the Patriarchate. The attitude of the Church is not being respected.
The city administration emphasizes that the speech was only an "exhibition", but not by a church. The Directorate of the Biennale tried to pour water on the fire. The "project" it says "was approved as an artistic installation on condition that it was implemented in a exhibition that is accessible for all".
The Patriarchate accuses the city administration of rank superficiality. Such a matter would have "required greater attention in the test phase" and would " be considered and approved not only by its artistic aspect". The patriarchy also directed its criticism at the Biennale in charge: "The decision to use a church closed for cult, does not resolve this issue, as it is still effectively a sacred site, but this was ignored."

Catholic Organizations are Calling for "Immediate Evacuation" - "The Installation Isn't an Invtation to Dialog  but War"

Several Catholic associations and the media have meanwhile demanded the immediate evacuation of the mosque installation and the restoration of the church. "The fact that the art is used as a pretext to justify any ideological profligacy is not news. But the transformation of the church of Santa Maria della Misericordia into a mosque as an artistic expression of the struggle against Islamophobia goes to far.  Only an idiot can seriously think that the conversion of a church into a mosque could be understood as an invitation to dialogue. Rather, it is an invitation to war, the conquest and occupation of the churches and at a time when in several countries there rages a brutal war of Muslims against Christians  and ever day churches are conquered, repossessed and transformed into mosques," said the chief editor of the Nuova Bussola Quotidiana .
The Patriarchate has raised protest. Not only because the matter is contrary to common sense, but because it is against the law. The patriarch would have to grant his permission. He has not granted this permission. He was not even asked. That's why this installation is as if it 'does not exist'. This is noted but it's not enough. Such a provocation can not be dismissed so that they protested one day, but everything stays the way it is. The symbolism is too strong. The Patriarchate should demand the immediate removal of the installation. No ifs and buts. Should the Biennale defend this disgrace and false message, peaceful resistance  should be passed over  for active resistance, such as the way the Veilleurs occupy  a square and a church, or by holding a silent prayer vigils. Everything left as it is, would be to send a signal of unconditional surrender to Islam, which plays into the hands of  the most radical branch of Islam. It doesn't change the matter when th entire thing is packed as  "artistic"and "on behalf of the freedom of art" happens,  because these do not interest the Islamists in the least.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Nuova Bussola Quotidiana / Chiesa e postconcilio
Trans: Tancred

Monday, March 9, 2015

Baltimore Archdiocese Celebrates Same-Sex Marriage

Edit: Baltimore Archdiocese has a lot of problems, a poorly catechized canon lawyer, a laity in whose hearts the Catholic Faith in this once Catholic capital has faded. Here's the report from Rorate:

Crisis of Bishops: Archdiocese of Baltimore allows (fake) same-sex "marriage" announcement
We have chronicled the sacrilegious "liturgies" that have taken place over the years at Calvert Hall College High School. What's different with this report, if the brother in question was telling the truth, is that the Archdiocese of Baltimore has tacitly approved fake same-sex "marriages" by formally approving of their announcement in Catholic publications.
A report below, from a reader: Link to Rorate...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Aachen Cathedral as Intermediate Storage for Baked Goods

Baked Goods in Aachen Cathedral
Edit: Your fathers did eat mana in the desert and are dead.
(Aachen) with a rather questionable action, the diocese of Aachen these days attracts attention. So in short, as it says  on the website of the Diocese not without pride, 1,200 tunnels of the old established bakery in Aachen "Nobis gingerbread" will rise for three weeks in the Great Cathedral in Aachen. The limited edition Dom loafs can be purchased for 20 euros by prior reservation at the feast of St. Nicholas. A quarter of the steep price, ie five euros will be donated to a children's garden. The press release of the Diocese of Aachen states: "With this money a gaming device with slide, climbing net and hanging rope will be financed, at which the tots daycare can play soon."
A representative of the Bakery "Nobis gingerbread" commented on the "publicity stunt" - the motto - as follows "attention at all costs!" "We are delighted that we do this event in the Aachen Cathedral and with the money from the Nobis initiative also do something for the children of Aachen. We also want to thank the Aachen cathedral chapter for its support, to whom we also donate 6,000 euros for the Aachen Cathedral." A little bit of money, in other words, this is reason enough for the cathedral chapter, to turn the House of God - and with such outstanding importance at that - contrary to the desire of the Lord, to make it  a den of thieves.
Canon Hans-Günther Vienken said according to an article by the Diocese of Aachen: "Not only does the Aachen Dom need help, but it also supports other like initiatives.  Ss Martin, Nicholas and Christmas immediately remind us of the solidarity parts. We remind ourselves that we are there for each other. That's also  what the Aachen Cathedral stands for. I thank the bakery combany,  'Nobis Gingerbread' for their generous support, both for the nursery as well as the cathedral."
Quite recently there were  headlines about the Vatican  when the Sistine Chapel was made ​​available to the German carmaker Porsche, for a concert. "Der Spiegel" wrote:  " The UK Telegraph 'reported that it was the first time ever that a Pope released the Sistine Chapel for the commercial event of a company. But how does this fit in Francis' promise that he wanted above all a Church that was for  the poor? Very suitable   said the Executive Director of the Vatican Museums, Monsignor Paolo Nicolini. For companies such as Porsche would be asked in return for the use of the Sistine Chapel for a donation.  This is an initiative to support the papal charities ', said Nicolini to the Telegraph'.  The service is aimed at large companies, which can thus make a contribution to charity. '"
And for the  "Süddeutsche Zeitung"   Catrin Lorch commented on the subsequent dinner at the concert in the Vatican Museums: "So far,  the code has been kept by which one keeps out the aroma of roast  from air-conditioned rooms and  uncorked champagne before masterpieces. But  even if the Vatican flouts its riches,  directors in Ghent, Duisburg and Prague are making arguments against the assaults of the accountants and exploiters. Just as the Pope, who sees himself as contemporary,  has a responsibility to treat the legacy that has fallen to his Church from a bloody, brutal history, with democratic respect, instead of silver plating it. "
Text: Benedict M. Buerger
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Agape of the Courtiers --- Hosts in Plastic Cups on the Roofs of Rome

(Rome) The world of courtiers and their privileges, is a recent and a front row seat for the Holy Mass on the roof of the Vatican overlooking St. Peter's Basilica. The strange Agape for 18,000 euros with Holy Mass above the rooftops of Rome has been organized by the enterprising Francesca Chaouqui.  Monsignor Vallejo Balda gave out Holy Communion - in a plastic cup. These are two names in the Vatican, which have already been noticed.
On April 27, hundreds of thousands of believers from all over the world came to Rome. Many thousands had to sleep outdoors to attend and participate in the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII.. The large crowd of Catholics pushed  to St. Peter's Square and the surrounding streets. Such  efforts seemed  unreasonable to others. They were offered an exclusive opportunity to attend the papal Mass and the double canonization.The enterprising Francesca Chaouqui organized an exclusive front row seat for a select audience on the roof of a building that is owned by the Vatican. There were 150 guests given a place  in the "front row" and an especially reasonable distance from the common people. For the 18,000-euro canonization party panoramic views of St. Peter's Square and Basilica which were otherwise unattainable were  offered, all kneeling and without jostling and with an exquisite standing buffet by the renowned Roman Catering Services .

18,000 Euro Box Seats for the Canonization 

The distribution of consecrated Hosts from plastic cups, which happened already   last year during the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. The undignified handling of the body of Christ have happened already in the Vatican, when the courtiers dance.
An illustrious group gathered on the roofs of Rome. Among the 150 guests were the well-known television presenter and author Bruno Vespa, Marco Carrai, the right hand of Italy's new left-wing Democratic Prime Minister of Matteo Renzi, Maria Latella a close associate of Renzi's and Ernst von Freyberg, President of the Vatican bank IOR . The cost of the roof party, after all, was 18,000 euros,  was undertaken by over two sponsors, a health insurance  company for employees and an oil company.
Guests were brought Holy Communion up on the roof. That was taken care of by none other than Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, secretary of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See and a member of the Pontifical Special Commission for the Reform of the Economic and Financial Affairs of the Holy See (COSEA).

The Collaboration between Mons Valleja Balda and Francesca Chaouqui

The COSEA had been established in July 2013 by Pope Francis, is directly responsible to the pope, and equipped with far-reaching powers. The appointment of the eight Commissioners was the reason for some guesswork. In the papal statement establishing the Commission it states that the members of the new Commission have access "to all documents, data and information," the Vatican Bank IOR, all balance sheets, of any authority and establishment of the Vatican and the entire movable and immovable property of the Holy See have worldwide. Each official secrecy has been lifted for the Commission.
Many were most puzzled about the appointment of Francesca Chaouqui. Chaouqui is neither an auditor nor a tax consultant, which would qualify her for the task of the Commission. Rather, she  is much more responsible for PR  for the international management consultant Ernst & Young and is therefore "in short, a lobbyist," says Vatican expert Sandro Magister (see separate reports, New Papal Commissioner and The Confessions of Francesca Chaouqui ).
The still existing Commission is composed of seven laymen and clerics. One cleric in the Commission, Msgr Vallejo Balda,  was handing out Holy Communion at the rooftop party. The Spanish priest approached Pope Francis soon after his election in the guest house of Santa Marta  and then made a ​​quick career. From him the idea was to set up a Special Commission and he gave the Pope the selection of Commissioners, whom Francis then appointed. The collaboration between Msgr Vallejo Balda and Francesca Chaouqui certainly seems variously shown by  the roof party.

"Mixture of the Secular and the Religious Stuff"

Meanwhile, the matter was has become known and "the Pope was outraged," wrote the weekly magazine L'Espresso , when he learned of the "Roof Story." Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi, the Prefect for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See told the TV station Italia 1 : "I can not announce what the Pope has said. He has been informed and I can only say that he is not happy, to use a euphemism. But I can assure you that such episodes will not recur. "
Cardinal Versaldi claimed to have known nothing of the rooftop party. "Like many others, I too am surprised by this blend of the secular and the religious stuff." The Cardinal is, piquant detail not included,  the direct superior of Msgr Vallejo Balda. He is quoted by L'Espresso quoted as saying: "I'm not talking about the roof. Thank God we have other problems."
Chaouqui reacted in the usual way: All information would only be disseminated in order to "discredit" in the eyes of the Pope.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Infocatolica
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Desecrated by Shinto and Buddhist Rites

(Madrid) The famous cathedral of Santiago de Compostela was desecrated by Buddhist and Shinto rites  The Catholic Church prohibits in their churches every act of worship of another religion. Through the implementation of a strange rite a Catholic church is profaned, and requires a special rite to fix this desecration.
Nevertheless, it came as part of an event organized by the local tourist association  "Japanese Week in Santiago", the  desecration of the world famous place of pilgrimage cathedral by Buddhist monks and Shinto priests, who presented ritual songs and dances.

Tourism Association Organized "Japanese Week" and  Allowed Buddhist and Shinto Dance in Cathedral

From the 9th to the 13th of  May, Japan was presented in Santiago with a variety of events all year.  It featured  Japanese art, music and cuisine. On May 13th, the last day of the theme week, the event took place in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela called "The Spirit of Japan".  The program announced the event as "Songs and Dances of Buddhist monks and Shinto priests of the prefecture of Wakayama."
But how is it possible that the cathedral of  the Archbishop  could permit the  Tourist Office to make it available, ​​moreover even for ritual acts of foreign religions? This is what Catholics are currently asking. For the tourist office  Santiago de Compostela all religions are equal,  so for that reason  religious programs can take place in a religious context, specifically Buddhist and Shinto rites in a Catholic church.

Holy Mass in a Side Chapel - Idolatry Before the High Altar

While Holy Mass was celebrated in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Cathedral,  the main nave of the church in front of the main altar  was opened to Buddhist monks and Shinto priests for their rites.
The even was not mentioned on the website of the cathedral church, but without the consent of those responsible,   the event could not have taken place. There is also no indication that the procedure  required by the Church after a profanation, that is a  purification rite, will be  performed with a new consecration.
Are really all religions equal and a church  is only a syncretic container dedicated  to fit  in   all religions? What does Archbishop Julián Barrio   of Santiago de Compostela mean by this?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Monday, May 5, 2014

Anarcho-Leftists Damage Famous Karlskirche in Vienna

(Vienna) Attacks and vandalism against churches have been mounting in Austria are piling up for several years. On Saturday night, the famous Karlskirche was show with paint pellets and daubed with slogans by left-wing extremists in Vienna. "Police said the damage was enormous," as the ORF reported. The perpetrators damaged several statues with their paint on the outside walls of the church. Anarchist symbols and a dripping font "from repression follows resistance" point to the extreme left-wing "autonomous" way. It is assumed that there are multiple perpetrators. The official line is that there is "currently" no evidence of the perpetrators. However, the left-wing extremist scene in Vienna is very well known to the police.

Arson Attack Against Mary Our Lady Church in Bregenz

Arson against Mariahilf heroes thanks church Bregenz

In Bregenz on Lake Constance unidentified perpetrators engaged on Saturday night in an arson attack on the Mariahilf Church. At about 1:20 AM, a 52-year-old woman discovered the fire. With the help of a a 62-year-old man, she tried to extinguish the fire. She had to be treated for suspected smoke inhalation in the State Hospital. The perpetrators had doused the church door with chemicals and set it on fire.

A canister was secured near the church door. The police are asking the community for evidence in both cases.

In March, several churches of Vienna had been damaged. A 37 year old man was detained and confessed to six acts he is alleged to have done on a "divine mission". The police suspect a single perpetrator in this case. The situation is different in the attack on the Karlskirche, which carries clear political handwriting and reveals hate for the Church.

The Karlskirche (St. Charles Church) was build by Emperor Charles VI. who took a vow during the last plague back in 1713. Its patron is Saint Charles Borromeo. The church was built from 1716-1739 by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and completed after his death by his son Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach. The church was under Imperial patronage until 1918. The church has been looked after since its construction by the Order the Cross with the Red Star from Prague. (A Lay association founded by St. Agnes of Bohemia) On November 4, 2013 Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Karlskirche in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

The Mary Our Lady Church in Bregenz is the parish church of the Vorkloster-Rieden district. It was built in 1925-1931 according to the plans of the architect Clemens Holzmeister. The parish church is also dedicated to heroes for the fallen soldiers in the First World War.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Taiwan's VP Receives Sacrilegious Communion

Edit:  Taiwan's Vice President, Wu Den-yih (吳敦義), has committed an act of sacrilege by consuming the Host and the Precious Blood at the Canonization Mass, despite warnings given previously by the Taiwanese diplomatic corp.

Even the Taiwan Bishops' Conference had a clear statement.

It's hard to see how, given the readiness with which it was given in the past to other world leaders, or the ecumenical atmosphere and informality which now seems to rule in the Vatican, how he would have been worried about offending such a protocol at all.  There have been no comments from the Vatican yet.  Do they even care?  Still, there has been a lot of criticism of the VP by people who seem to be quite ashamed of him, as Taiwan News reports:
A secretary for Taiwan’s Catholic Bishops’ Conference confirmed that the Eucharist should be only for Catholics who have undergone baptism by an ordained priest. 
“Take this case involving Vice President Wu. It may be that he joined in because others nearby in the diplomatic group were doing so, and nobody reminded Wu about the rules,” the secretary, surnamed Liao (廖), said. 
“Actually, I think this case was not too serious. Unless Wu had known about the restriction and breached it on purpose, which would be very disrespectful,” he said.
A number of netizens criticized Wu over the Eucharist incident. 
One person surnamed Lin (林) accused Wu of “lacking understanding of diplomatic protocols,” while another netizen wrote: “Wu has shamed himself at the Vatican.”
Another posted under the name Chou: “Wu is an ignoramus. This shows that someone with a high education may not have wisdom or common sense.”

Remember this?

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Abortion Fanatics Attack Midnight Mass in Spain

(Madrid) Leftist abortionists and feminists disrupted a Midnight Mass in Spain on Christmas night to demand "full and free abortion". The incident took place in the parish church of San Felix in Sabadell near Barcelona.
The abortion fanatics wanted to act as Herodians and chose therefore targeted the Creche, in which the birth of Jesus is celebrated. As the antithesis of the happy birth of a child, and specifically of the Redeemer, they demanded "full and free abortion". They interrupted the Sacred Liturgy with a banner and chant. The church vandals and anti-Catholic "action" was videotaped and posted on the Internet. The sacrilege was conducted by  the "Anti-Sexist collective of Sabadell."  The video was published  on the website "Justa Revolta". About 50 pro-abortion invaded the church during the Mass, shouting slogans for abortion and against the Church. The "action" was described by the attackers as a "reaction" to the "capitalist, patriarchal and Catholic offensive."
The Mass was interrupted by the  disruption for fifteen minutes. Even before the arrival of the police the Mass attendees urged the vandals with their placards out of the church. Outside the church, abortion advocates continued with their chants.

Trans: Tancred

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Consecrated Host Spit Out and Trampled on the Floor: Possible Jail Time

Edit: rather than put real Catholics in jail using the "Civil Law" as one priest recently suggested.  Why not put the bawds, pretenders, interfaith organizers and professional Catholics who are destroying the Faith in jail?

They will still throw you in jail Italy for insulting God.

(Cagliari) A thirteen-year-old girl was reported last Sunday to the police for insulting (the) Religion. The occasion was a desecration of the Host during Mass.

The girl had taken part in Holy Mass in Capoterra on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia which was celebrated in honor of the fallen of all wars. The girl received the Holy Communion, and returned to a group of young people. She stood in front of the and spat It on the floor and stepped on it. The incident sparkedthe greatest horror among the believers from surrounding. Why the girl has committed such a sacrilege is unclear.

Whether it was a gesture of vandalism or Satanism, or simply to a lack of awareness of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, which is little appreciated today any more, could be clarified by the minister in direct conversation. A traditional priest has been working got the new evangelization in the parish of St. Elphisius Capoterra since 2010, in the decades previously it had been rather neglected by the progressive religious of an order in the "spirit of the Council".

Text: Unione Sarda / Giuseppe Nardi Image: Messa in LatinoTrans:: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.comKatholisches...AMGD

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Faithful Catholics Oppose "Interfaith" Desecration in Argentina

Edit: is there some reason why these sorts of events have to take place in sacred spaces when they could easily take place outside of the confines of Catholic churches.  Catholic laymen with any integrity and courage are bound to do something.  The group was led by the traditionalist Society of Saint Pius X.
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Ultra-traditionalist Roman Catholics have openly challenged Pope Francis by disrupting one of his favorite events, an interfaith ceremony in the Metropolitan Cathedral meant to promote religious harmony on the anniversary of the beginning of the Holocaust.

The annual gathering of Catholics, Jews and Protestants marks Kristallnacht, the Nazi-led mob violence in 1938 when about 1,000 Jewish synagogues were burned and thousands of Jews were forced into concentration camps, launching the genocide that killed 6 million Jews. Before he assumed the papacy, Buenos Aires Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his good friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka led the ceremony every year.

A small group disrupted Tuesday night's ceremony by shouting the rosary and the "Our Father" prayer, and spreading pamphlets saying that "followers of false gods must be kept out of the sacred temple."

Link to yahoo..

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Homo-Provocation in Rome Churches Shut Down

Edit: it's said that we have to post something from the Huffington Post, but here it is. They're displeased by the Vatican's responsible concern for the souls of Catholics. The Local quotes Claudio Tanturri to say that the exhibition is a violation of the Italian constitution.

We'd reported earlier about this, and it's been out in the German and Italian press quite a bit, now someone has done something about it and the show is being cancelled. How they ever got permission to do this in the first place is another question that needs answering.

Despite Pope Francis' earlier remarks about opening up the Church, the Vatican has firmly shut the door on artist Gonzalo Orquin's latest exhibit, "Trialogo," scheduled to open at the Galleria L'Opera on Wednesday evening.

The exhibit consists of photographs of same-sex couples kissing in churches mainly located in Rome, but the pictures have been covered up after the Vatican sent the gallery a notice threatening legal action and saying that "the church is against the exhibition."

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Homo-Provocation Before the Altars of Ancient Roman Churches --- Arrogance of the Church's Enemies

(Rome) Peddlers of homosexuality and women in gowns  plop  in front of the most beautiful and oldest Roman altars. This is not a tasteless joke, but the latest provocative and heretical work of "artists" Gonzalo Orquin and Mauro Maugliani.Together with Luis Serrano they are showing from the 25th September, the exhibition Trialogo in the Galleria l'Opera in Rome.
With the issuance of a new exhibition  by the gallery of contemporary art the space is opened by Andrea Iezzi . He is supposed to provide space "unconditionally for all the new trends in contemporary art". As is apparent from the invitations to the exhibition opening, "the three artists were invited by journalist and art critic Edoardo Sassi,  to present faithful works to design non-conventional issues to non-conventional types: religious women, weddings, interiors are the accents of the strange community exhibition. The "creative" artists responded to the invitation with "paintings, sculptures, places, videos (cemeteries, sung rosaries), speaking sofas, kissing  with the reek of heresy, at the foot of the altars of some of the most important and ancient basilicas of Rome."
The 32 year old Spanish photographer Orquin from Seville addressed the issue of "marriage" and "marriage" from a "double perspective", as stated in the invitation. On the one hand by showing a young "bourgeois"  couple. And another that is supposed to be from "utopian" perspective, a "universal message of love, through the collective action against the backdrop of historic churches in Rome." The people in the pictures are friends of the Spanish photographer who arrived there in the early morning hours, just after opening the churches for their strange "project".
(Order) Woman in robeThe painter Mauro Maugliani shows in the exhibition, however, his "personal journey through the world of nuns." The result was a "large portrait, which plays with the ambiguity of gender and identity." So he shows "a young religious woman wearing a priest robe." A sculpture made of sugar reminds the world of its saints and relics. Another installation shows a video of an old knee stool, but this is in a pop setting.
The exhibition of Trialogo  is a striking example of the fact that a certain part of contemporary art can think of nothing better than to offend the sensibilities of the faithful. Art is confused with mockery and desecration and profanation of the sacred space by obscene acts which are expressly condemned by the Catholic doctrine, a show of arrogance and contempt for the opinions and feelings of others, which is frightening. There is complete silence about the insult and disrespect to God. The exhibition in Rome represents another unacceptable provocation by the enemies of the Church. It is hoped that a voice rises sharply from the Church hierarchy in defense of the sacred and lodges a protest.
Text: CR / Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Corrispondenza Romana