Showing posts with label Aberrosexual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aberrosexual. Show all posts

Monday, June 30, 2014

Dozens of French Clergy Say: I Have Already "Married" Divorced and Homosexuals

(Rome) 75 French priests and deacons say they are prepare to ecclesiastically marry divorced. No, even aberrosexual pairs. In the clergy there are liturgical trapeze artists. They purport they are entitled to Christ, the Church and the Sacraments, finally even human happiness itself. "Behind this hide the same methods, which are applied to hand communion," says Riposte Catholique. Will Pope Francis react as Paul VI?

Whoever still didn't know it, knows it now: dozens of Catholic priests are outspokenly saying they have already "married" divorced and homosexuals.
This was the shocking assertion of the
Conférence catholique des baptisé-e-s francophones (Catholic Conference of French Speaking Baptized Men and Women). The assertions were clear. 75 priests and deacons maintain, they are breaking Church law and giving the Sacrament of matrimony according to their own discretion. The disobedient priest and deacons are getting a head start with a view to the Bishops' Synod on the Family in October. They clearly have an expectation that their "abuse of the Sacraments" (Corrispondenza Romana) will be officially imposed and raised to the level of normalcy . In this manner, they are attempting to put pressure on the Bishops' Synod. One of the many progressive and heretical attempts to extort the current ecclesiastical leadership.

Invalid Nuptials in Churches

The 75 French deacons and priests are celebrating "weddings" between two people, of which one or both are objectively barred a Church wedding, because they were married in the Church,
even though they were civilly divorced. Civil marriages do not involve the Church. Ecclesiastical marriage, thus a Sacrament, is valid for life. A divorce is not possible. An ecclesiastical annulment can only determine, if an ecclesiastical marriage was validly consecrated and if there were no objective impediments at the time of marriage. In this case the marriage can be declared invalid. It had never existed.

Similarly invalid are "marriages" of people divorced in the Church, and likewise if aberrosexuals It is considered merely as a mockup of a Church act without any validity. That raised the question why these are generally being addressed at all. Then there is also the more pressing fraud deacons and priests engage upon, when they fool such people with marriage. On disciplinarian questions there is another question, as to how much guilt they bear in which they are engaged in such blasphemous mockeries of the sacraments. In stead of an advantage, such a farce of marriage does serious spiritual damage to those participating in it. Not least is the damage to the Church's image and the confusion such acts, n
Which go unchecked, cause among the faithful, those of other confessions and non-Christians.

Just as the sacramental marriage is indissoluble, every "marriage" of persons who are objectively hindered, and in such an impediment, as it is known to be a concrete case is null and void from the very start. Canon law leaves not the slightest doubt on this case: "The essential properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility; in christian marriage they acquire a distinctive firmness by reason of the sacrament."(Canon 1056)
For Some Clergy No Rules Are Valid
– How is it With Reality?

Actually for some priests and deacons there are no rules that seem to be valid. Because ultimately, the sacrament have no validity? The shocking suspicion, that they themselves have fallen from the faith, won't be hard to discount. More than 60 percent of priests have reported that in contentious situations, or in those where there are clearly objective impediments to marriage, neither appeal to the competent pastor, nor bishop. They "celebrate" much more for customer inquiries, as requested like service persons, and they're done. The next request. The word "celebrate" is flexible anyway. One "celebrates" a party. That's what it's all about. To celebrate a party is fun. Every opportunity is good for that, even in the Church, even if for "heterodox" reasons, like the instrumentality toward the Bishops' Synod to have the wishes of the baptized addressed, to put the sacraments of the Church in question, which can not be applied in the Church, nor binding.

Slight of Hand: "Blessing" Instead of Sacrament

The "Liturgical Trapeze Artists", says Corrispondenza Romana, are not embarrassed. They are trying to employ euphemisms to their abuse, so that their "celebrations" are "only" simple blessings in the Church, but not a Sacrament. For that priests and deacons make excuses for the "Farce", which is just a game. There isn't a sensible doubt: what these disobedient priests and deacons mercilessly injure, that they would also if there was an opportunity, even mercilessly abolish and alter. Which in turn raises the question of their personal faith.

Through the slight of hand of a supposed "blessing", which is only a simulated ceremony that looks like a wedding, the disobedient priest and deacons assume completely for themselves the pretension, of being completely within the bounds if Church law and not to have crossed any ecclesiastical limits. Dialectics make much possible. The question of intellectual honesty is not considered. And not only that. macht viel möglich, sehr viel.

They Haven't Read Familiaris Consortio

In Familiaris Consortio Pope John Paul II wrote to the remarried and divorced:

"However, the Church reaffirms her practice, which is based upon Sacred Scripture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced persons who have remarried. They are unable to be admitted thereto from the fact that their state and condition of life objectively contradict that union of love between Christ and the Church which is signified and effected by the Eucharist. Besides this, there is another special pastoral reason: if these people were admitted to the Eucharist, the faithful would be led into error and confusion regarding the Church's teaching about the indissolubility of marriage.

And addressing the entire question still more clearly:

"Similarly, the respect due to the sacrament of Matrimony, to the couples themselves and their families, and also to the community of the faithful, forbids any pastor, for whatever reason or pretext even of a pastoral nature, to perform ceremonies of any kind for divorced people who remarry. Such ceremonies would give the impression of the celebration of a new sacramentally valid marriage, and would thus lead people into error concerning the indissolubility of a validly contracted marriage."

"Arrogant and Sacrilegious Audacity"

Seven of the 75 polled disobedient asserted that they had also already "blessed" aberrosexual couples. 39 respondents admitted that they are prepared, if the opportunity presents itself. "The arrogant and sacrilegious audacity of these disobedient priests and deacons requires a clear and immediate answer from competent Church authority," so says Corrispondenza Romana.

The situation is, however, not that as it is, as when they would be attending their competent positions. The Catholic French daily, La Croix, owned by the Bishops' Conference, limited it's report to the laconic observation that the "question of 'second marriage' which is one of the sensible questions, which will be addressed by the Bishops' Sunod from the 5-19th of October in Rome.

Same Methods Accompanied the Introduction of Hand Communion

According to Riposte Catholique, there is an intended strategy behind this, to influence the Bishops' Synod according to the motto: since some are already doing it at present it would be better to make it a rule. That is, says Riposte Catholique, exactly the method that introduced hand Communion. In order to hinder Paul VI from strengthening hand Communion, the "Rhenish Alliance" intervened with the statement that such a step would do more damage to the Church than good, because this praxis is already in general use in many parishes and tacitly accepted. Paul VI. "The sorry results of this decision, to interpret it as harmless, is well known. And how will Pope Francis act?," asks Corrispondenza, leaving the question hanging in the air.

Text:Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred