Pope Francis is for open disputes among religious in place of secret gossip. "If you have something against your brother, tell him to his face".
Vatican City (kath.net/KNA) Pope Francis is for open discussion among religious in splace of secret gossip. "If you have something against your brother, tell him to his face. Maybe you'll end up in a fight, but better this than the terror of gossip," he told the conference of Italian religious superiors in the Vatican on Friday. In a time of rampant individualism, religious could set an example of brotherhood which despite all the differences is possible.
The religious life should, in the words of Pope Francis, not be confused with an ideology. "True prophecy is never ideological; it does not follow fashion, but always stands for contradiction in the name of the Gospel, as Jesus also represented it," he said. Therefore it is important that religious lead no rearguard defense of the Church, but remain in the center of the divine action where Jesus stood. The charism of a religious order should not be like a sealed bottle of distilled water. It unfolds only in the prevailing reality and culture. The Italian Superiors had come for the conclusion of this year's conference in the Vatican. It stood under the motto "Mission of the Church and Consecrated Life in the Light of 'Evangelii gaudium,'" the encyclical of Pope Francis.
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Essentially not such an impossible idea but first how about learning to deal with it in a more mature way - looking for the beam in one's own eye first and then going to Confession? Of course, if you go to someone and have it out with them physically this is manifest immaturity and, depending on one's thoughts, could be tantamount to breaking the spirit of the fifth commandment.
Considering the state of Italian religious life, this doesn't seem to even scratch the surface, or even begin to address what he's done to the FFI.
Does this open the door for the Franciscans of the Immaculate and for Bishop Livieres to punch out Bergoglio. Of course not, bergoglio does not like to be opposed because he is humble and merciful.
I don't think PF likes being challenged myself, even non-physically.
I'd like to thank eponymousflower for it coverage of what is happening in the Church today. I have been recommending this site to others. I don't believe there is another site more valuable than eponymousflower to get the facts straight. How I wish for Bergoglio to read everything on this site so that he would know where he stands before those who truly love Christ and His Church. No offense to Rorate Caeli, but eponymous flower covers the facts with no compromising fear.
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