Saturday, July 26, 2014

Europe Between Sodom and Gomorrha

(Rome) The historian Cristina Siccardi wrote for the Corrispondenza Romana a review of the book " L'Europe tra Sodoma e Gomorra " (Europe between Sodom and Gomorrah) by Danilo Quinto (Arkadia, Cagliari in 2014, 188 pages, € 15). [Ed: The book is not in English yet as far as we know.]
The foreword to the book was inspired by the late legal philosopher and papal critic Mario Palmaro. The last, that he published.  Danilo Quinto was for 20 years a militant representative of  the Radical Party of Italy, from which the former European Commissioner and abortion activist, Emma Bonino began her efforts. Ten years ago he found the Catholic faith through  his present wife and broke with the Radicals.
Is the title of his latest book, pure provocation, or does it really recall today's Europe to the two biblical cities that were punished by God because of the spread there of aberrosexuality and razed to the ground? "Danilo Quinto proves in this book with insightful and well-documented arguments that the comparison is entirely legitimate," Mario Palmaro writes in his preface. "It is a shockingly objective judgment, which not a few contemporaries will be thrown by the concept, who are used to a gentle and lulling politically correct language. And by that, I mean not only those engaged in the construction of a new world in which the criteria  of true and good  are turned on their heads, and work for this project of moral devastation. I also think of many people who are sensitive to the so-called non-negotiable values, whether individuals or institutions that would oppose this destruction of value."

Increase in Sexual Freedom, Loss of Mental powers

In the 70s a crisis of values was spoken of by the substitution of being with having, from the generation gap between children and parents. The idea of ​​the Christian family, with God and His laws into the center, broke down. With a loud voice, on all fronts freedom was proclaimed by the rules: sexual freedom (licentiousness and immorality) to have freedom of divorce, to use freedom of contraceptives, freedom of abortion (murder), female emancipation (Feminism), gender equality, class hatred (envy) were very concrete, while the spiritual powers, those which allowed people to do the best in tests, to make sacrifices,  practice renunciation for a greater good, to perfect oneself, which baptism calls one to sanctify one's own life, was getting weaker and has almost completely lost its meaning and raison d'ĂȘtre.
Just as the good brings forth goods, evil brings out evils: in  2003 the European Parliament called on the Member States, to give same-sex pairs  equal rights. Simultaneously, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Nice, 2000) recognized  for all the right to marry and form a "family". "These are the results of several decades of European secular culture that encourages the human dynamics, rather than to curb and steer. That should be their job, to serve the public good, which is not an abstract, but a thoroughly concrete category, it is the part of life of a community or at least should be. To be used for the common good, i.e. to act in the sense of ethics. Abortion and divorce are considered by the European policy as social phenomena. As such, they are perceived and accordingly can be covered using laws. It's exploitation. The policy uses the things of life, making of it a political instrument," says Quinto.

Race Between the Governments to Make "Demonic Decisions"

The author makes understandable, explained and presented with great expertise. Not only because he knows the history of Europe, not only because he detailed its various problems and the legislation of the various States shows they  try to outdo each other in ruthless and demonic choices, but because the destructive system that is directed against the Christian Civitas, he knows from the inside. Through his years of work in the Radical Party at the side of  radical secularists like Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino 1 he got to know the policies and strategies used in the field, followed by its flagellant machinery.

The author concludes his strikingly truth telling book with the commitment to trust in the intercession of the Mother of God and Virgin Mary, to whom he appeals as a militant and pious son.  "If our God-fearing, Catholic ancestors had seen today's world, they who were aware of the seriousness of the earthly as well as of the supernatural life,  would have been horrified and would have asked Christ  to punish this perverse society, just as Sodom and Gomorrah were punished, "  said Cristina Siccardi.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondeza Romana
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...


  1. Demonic decisions have been made by activist judges against same-sex marriage bans here in the US. They are legalizing immorality against the voters' wishes in those states. We are being held captive by demons. This will go to the Supreme Court again until sin is the law of the land.

    1. You are so right. I was just thinking today of how those no good judges pulled this bs and how well orchestrated it was. You might find one evil, insane, renegade judge in a country who would think to do such a demonic thing but this was being done almost simultaneously around our entire country. Oh yes. It was well orchestrated and planned in anticipation of having the fool and tool of the Devil in our White House.

      You are correct also that these bastards and the filthy attorneys who represent them keep trying even when time after time after time the American people said NO! to their idiocy.


    Our leaders don't lead anymore
    Our heroes aren't valiant anymore
    Our fathers aren't home anymore
    Our mothers won't birthe anymore

    Our churches don't awe anymore
    Our futures aren't safe anymore
    Our past no roots anymore
    Our present not ours anymore

    The truth glossed o’er anymore
    But hang a cross anymore
    They'll all appear anymore
    Outraged at faith anymore

    They share their lusts and explore
    They're seasoned whores to the core
    They're salt of the earth they implore
    These Sodomed - souls at Hell’s door
