(Vatican) The planned concert for Saturday the 16th of November for Pope Francis at the conclusion of the Year of Faith has been canceled. The Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization wanted to avoid this so that the chair of the Pope would not remain empty again in the grand audience hall.
The concert was supposed to have taken place at six o'clock in the great today Aula Paolo VI, Audience Hall. Last 22nd of June the same Pontifical Council had organized a "Grand Concert of Classical Music in the Year of Faith" in the same room, also for the Pope. The occasion was also the time of Pope Benedict XVI. proclaimed the religious year. The Symphony Orchestra of the RAI conducted by Juraj Valcuha and the Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia conducted the Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 by Ludwig van Beethoven. Originally the concert had still been planned for Pope Benedict XVI. The program was then changed for its successor, the hall filled to the last seat, but the seat of Pope Francis remained empty. The faces of the musicians, artists and the 12,000 concert-goers were embarrassed. A visibly embarrassed Curia, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, explained the absence of "urgent" official business of the church chief.
Pope was absent for two concerts, the Vatican Did not Want the Risk it Again
A few days later, the scenario was repeated. Leipzig's St. Thomas Choir was in the Sistine Chapel for the first time at the invitation of the Holy See, to give a private concert for the Pope. Whose participation had been previously announced accordingly. However, Pope Francis did not appear again. The press office of the Vatican tried to bypass this "detail" after the pictures of the empty chair had been published by the world press. The chair was removed from the Sistine Chapel for safety reasons before the concert.
"I'm not a Renaissance prince"
This Friday morning it had been canceled due to a chill in the planned Audiences for the Cardinals. Failure to attend the concert had been communicated internally but a month ago with the message that the Pope would like a "sober and simple" line. A concert "in his honor" would show him as a "sovereign", an image that displeased the Pope. He preferred to devote himself exclusively to his pastoral ministry. The most prestigious daily newspaper in Italy, the Corriere della Sera a rumor in June that Pope Francis had justified his rejection with the harsh words, "I'm not a Renaissance prince." Since then it has been speculated whether the pope might simply lack the necessary understanding of classical music. It is only known that he appreciates Wilhelm Furtwängler as a conductor and likes tango.
Officially it is the Year of Faith on Sunday, finished November 24th with a Pontifical High Mass in St. Peter's Square, which the Pope will celebrate itself. A few days earlier on Thursday he will visit a contemplative monastery of the Camaldolese on the Aventine, and pray Vespers there.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Fondazione Bartolucci
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to katholisches...
Could they not book a barefoot Mexican mariachi band to play "La Cucaracha"? I'll bet he'd be there early for that concert.
What I'd like to see cancelled is this Bergoglio papacy...er...uh..occupation.
"Whosoever controls the court calendar, controls the king."
Looks to me like someone or some faction in the Vatican is trying--unsuccessfully--to dictate the Pope's schedule and he's just not going to play along with their petty political games.
Hey, I've got some Sabine wet land you might be interested in developing!
Very Cool... But you really should think twice before giving up your wet lands. The Venetians seemed to do okay with theirs.
Not all harebrained schemes are good for the credulous and dishonest. Your contention is ridiculous.
I, of course, respect your considered opinion yet must disagree. Rather than "ridiculous," I find Venice to be a wonderful, wonderful place.
The hell with courtesy and the legacy of your predecessor. He doesn't hesitate to hobnob with footballers and leftist celebrities.
Such events of praise these concerts are. They are done out of pure love of Jesus Christ and for the glory of God. To not accept such a gift in honor of the One whom you are supposed to be representing on earth is a TOTAL LACK OF HUMILITY. What a rude, graceless and ungrateful person is this current occupier of the papal Throne.
I wonder how many Catholic monarchs ruled their subjects humbly, as Fathers watching over their children. Edward, Louis, even Isabella of Spain come quickly to mind. So it is possible for one to be a King (or a Queen) and a humble father (or loving mother) at one and the same time.
The Pope presumably has not yet grasped this concept, nor the concept that the Papacy is a true monarchy, divinely established. If and when he at last decides to treat his office as a monarchy things will change for the better. I guess that's something we can hope and pray for.
The sooner the Roman Catholic Church is rid of "Pope Francis" and his supporters, the better the Church will be. Whether it be by his death, resignation, or being deposed Francis must go.
Let's pray that something huge happens that will remove him from the scene and we can then have a Catholic Pope again.
He's just about 77. Time is running out for Pope Francis. He increasingly doesn't look well...and sounded/looked terrible at the funeral of the late, great Domenico Cardinal Bartolucci.
Perhaps this Pope Francis will be gone sooner than even any of us hope....and with him all his supporters.
Throw them out!!! Like yesterday's garbage.
I guess the Pope thinks I'm a jackass for enjoying classical music and going to the symphony.
I don't mind a symphony concert, but there are hundreds of better pieces than the most Marxist, Pagan of them all- the banal Symphony #9 of Beethoven, with its universalist 'Alle Menschen waren Bruder." EVery time I hear that, I cringe. I can appreciate Ludwig saying that Europeans are Brothers, but the dark-hued savage is nothing but that.... a savage, and that is all he will remain. Marx has taken the place of Jesus Christ, who said, "I am come ONLY for the Lost Sheep of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL," and never rescinded that. Or, if you prefer, Hilaire Belloc's tautology: "EUROPE is the Faith, the FAITH, Europe." - Fr. John+
Ditto, David Werling!
We just need the Pope to defend the Faith and lead us all in the Faith. He needn't attend any concerts - of course, people ought not be led to believe that he will.
@ David Werling. No, he'd probably think you're a restorationist. I bet you like chant at Mass, too. Tsk, tsk.
He needs to stop sending messages about how humble he is supposed to be. After complaining about the size of the Holy Father's rather meagre apartment, he now has the entire floor of the hotel rented out. Go figure.
Is that the All Seeing Eye in red? Sorry but this photo smacks of weirdness. Can't say I blame him for skipping it. Watch the movie Quantum of Solace with the Opera scene same thing. Masonic mumble jumbo
I agree this is rude and intended as insulting conduct by this usurper of St. Peter's chair. Lightening struck St. Peter's Basilica when Pope Benedict was ushered into the hidden chambers, and it anyone of faith must recognize the message. Now the usurper announces he was a "bouncer"... I suppose that makes him an average man prone to violence? Anyway, he is still a bouncer as he is bouncing faithful away from his pretensions; but God's church prevails in His people. Keep the faith!
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