Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Father Guarnizo Explodes Vatileaks Suggestion Behind Pope’s Resignation

Edit: this is from Restore D.C.-Catholicism, which is publishing an interview with the courageous Father Guarnizo in Rome about the Vatileaks, who was himself the victim of a Soviet-style campaign of slander and character assassination, even on the part of his own superiors.  As it turns out, there were no leaks or original documents behind the stories attempting to discredit Benedict XVI.’s papacy and the journalist who originated the story even admitted as much.  Of course, the paper founded by Communist Antonio Gramsci is behind the whole thing.

HotAir.com interviewd Father Marcel Guarnizo a few days ago regarding the "leaked vatileak dossier" debacle.  I present that interview below.  One comment.  At one point you'll hear Father remark that the Vatican Curia is much more reliable than some of the local Catholic Conferences.  I think Father is way too charitable - to the local conferences, that is.  The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops has been downright inimical to the True Faith, having had the paw prints of both the late Cardinal Bernardin and Saul Alinsky all over its founding.  It's high time to throw that monstrosity in the dung heap.

1 comment:

Sixupman said...

The comment applies to all of the Bishops' Conferences, they are an abomination and consider themselves semi-detached to/from Rome. One UK Archbishop [Peter Smith]sought for even more independence from Rome - to peddle their own form of Catholicism.