Monday, December 12, 2011

Abuse Scandal Rocks Jewish World

Edit: so far the only major network to pick this up has been CBS, but a local Jewish publication, Haredi, has picked it up.

Surely, this will be spun somehow to become a story about sex-abuse in the Catholic Church.  If only there weren't so much shame, greed and medieval secrecy in Judaism, I'm sure these things wouldn't happen.  Perhaps there should be some serious government oversight of Jewish institutions?

This has been a substantial problem in the Orthodox community, but it doesn't get a lot of media coverage.  

There hasn't been a lot of media coverage about homosexual predators in UK Islamic circles either.

And, of course, when atheists aren't running abortion clinics, they're turning girls' orphanages into brothels.  

[Haredi] It happened for a very long time: Eighty-five men from Brooklyn's ultra-Orthodox community are suspected of sexually abusing more than 100 of the community's children and teenagers.
Many, including the victims' parents, allegedly knew about it but chose to keep silent – until one of the community organizations decided to reveal the horrible secret and went to the police.
Clearing the Air
Sexual abuse: Report to police or rabbi?  / Sammy Hudes
US Orthodox groups clarify stance after saying child's sexual abuse should be reported to rabbi, who would then decide if police should be notified
Full story
The affair was reported by the New York Post on Sunday. The New York police are still unsure when the abuse began, but it clearly stretched over several years. Several years of suffering, trauma and perhaps the worst thing of all – a conspiracy of silence aimed at preventing humiliation and shame, all at the expense of the helpless children.
An initiative called Kol Tzedek (“voice of justice") decided to expose the dreadful acts, and as the months went by more and more men were arrested. The organization members located children who fell victim to the abuse and convinced them to complain.

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