Saturday, October 23, 2010

Vienna: 500 Poles Are Opposed to Giving Church Away

The Archdiocese of Vienna would like to give a church to the Serbian-Orthodox Community of Vienna. Now the blossoming Catholic Polish Community of the Parish is circulating a petition -- and a demonstration is also possible.

Vienna [] In the Archdiocese of Vienna there is upset over the planned giving of a church in the Parish of Neulerchenfeld to the Serbian Orthodox Community as reported by "Krone". The Parish has been for years the establishment of a Polish Community, which has grown considerably and are now opposing the handing over of their church. The Polish Community is in contrast to other "normal Parishes" with more than 500 Faithful, full every Sunday.

A massive opposition to the decision of the Archdiocese is promised. In addition to a petition is being considered an active demonstration. The Polish pastor: "There is a deeply rooted community here, which can't just be replanted wherever."

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