There's a commotion in the Archdiocese of Vienna around Toni Faber: "We are really are closely bound to Rome, but we must go our independent way. Some representatives of the Vatican live in a kind of denial of reality" an "Celibacy may soon be an obsolete model"
Vienna [kath.net] A Commotion around the Vienna Cathedral Rector Toni Faber. In a recent interview with the "Courier" he answered questions put to him about reform in the Church: "We are really closely bound to Rome, but we must go our independent way. Some respresentatives of the Vatican live in a certain denial of reality. It is not enough to manage the apparent decline. The encouraging words of Caridnal Schönborn in the direction of the Church's transparency gives hope. The cuddly prayers of the rosary are dying out."
To the question, whether he thought differently than his other colleagues, the Cathedral Rector said, "I try to live without fear and always to be a response station. It is the same whether it's a sideways glance or there are some scraps thrown. I sense however, both curiosity and jealousy. I really wouldn't like to be a head teacher. But we have to use politics and media. If we don't orient ourselves on faithful customers, then the Church will crumble."
Then Faber spoke dismissively about celibacy. He was cited answering the question, how he felt about celibacy: "Celibacy appears to me and many others as increasingly questionable. he may well be soon an obsolete model."
Read the original...here
He was the same priest who buried the Communist Pornographic Homosexual Artist.
Lesung von HANS CONRAD ZANDER(Köln): "Abenteuerlich, lustig, glücklich – Plädoyer für den Zölibat" am 28.10.2010.
Listen to the audio...auf Deutsch...
Photo: Flickr Che Guevarra Pumpkin
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