Thursday, July 22, 2010

'Summorum Pontificum' is Not in Effect in Regensburg, Germany

*A Bishop breaks his word; a Vicar General let it be disavowed -- monstrous. *

Confiteor at the old Mass ( German Website '' published a report by Oskar Rauch under the title, "three years of Summorum Pontificum".

'Summorum Pontificum' is a Motu Propio by Pope Benedict XVI., with which he rehabilitated the old Mass.

Rauch has been working in the 42,000-soul city of Weiden -- 35 miles west of the Czech border -- for the implementation of the Motu Propio.

Weiden belongs to the Diocese of Regensurg.

There is no episcopal approval necessary for the old Mass.

In October 2007 Rauch presented the city's Dean, Fr. Andreas Uschold, a list with 30 signatures and asked for the offering of an old Sunday Mass.

After a week he was informed by telephone that the Diocese of Regensburg will permit this for once a month.

Rauch replied: "We've received nothing in writing from Regensburg; and if at all, only verbally. So the applicant never received anything in the hand."

The permission was linked to the condition that the Mass will be celebrated by a diocesan priest from Regensburg.

The present young chaplain of Nabburg -- who himself comes from Weiden -- announced himself ready to say the Mass on Sunday in the afternoon.

Rauch commented; "both limitations -- only once in a month and no priest from outside -- are not connected with or depedant on the Pope's permission.

"There is no reason why priests of the Society of St. Peter or other societies for the celebration of the old Mass with the Pope should be shut out."

*Two Sunday Masses "Unrealistic"*

The first monthly Mass fell on 25, November 2007.

Since this an average of 63 faithful
To the Holy Mass, although the times are not certain, and the start times vary.

At the same time, the idea to have a second Sunday Mass for those who wanted it was held by Rauch to be "mostly unrealistic."

In any event the alloted St. Sebastianskirche was well appointed. Otherwise the modern table is placed there and may not be moved to the side during Mass.

An indefatigable Jalm Herbst in 2009 got 110 faithful to sign a petition for a second Sunday Mass.

Deacon Uschold led the quest to Regensburg. The -- again verbal -- answer: Regensburg doesn't want a second Sunday Mass in Weiden.

The traditionalists wrote then in December 2009 Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei and requested assistance.

In January 2010 the Secretary, Prelate Guido Pozzo said that he hsd spoken with the Bishop of Regensburg, and was prepared to allow a second Sunday Mass.

*Regensburg Turns a Deaf Ear*

The joy of the Weidner traditionalists was premature: "For the Bishop of Regensburg was not repsonsive" -- said Rauch.

A telefax that was sent on February 2010 to Regensburg went unanswered.

"Five times I telephoned the ordinariat, yet never spoke to the General Vicar, Michael Fuchs who is responsible for Liturgical Celebrations.

An April e-mail also went unanswered.

In the mean time Rauch wrote the 'Ecclesia Dei' commission again. He wants to be informed of the shikanery and obstacles in the situation of the old Mass, with which the traditionalists of the Diocese of Regensurg have been comfronted.

Rauch told the facts: "a Bishop who breaks his word; a General Vicar who let it be disavowed -- monstrous.

According to the provisions of canon law a Bishop who is no longer obedient to the Pope is owed no obedience.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just get a priest from outside and get a place not owned by the diocese and you'll be Catholics in union with the Pope, if not the bishop. Open schism is very close. This is like one of the first bubbles that appear before the water boils!