Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Belgian bishops' spokesman argues same-sex 'marriage,' women priests

Editor: there's often a real divide between the spokesmen and the men they claim to work for.

Friday, July 23, 2010

[Rorate Caeli] André Bishop Joseph Leonard and the Episcopal Conference of Belgium has appointed Jürgen Mettepenningen as their spokesman, effective August 1, according to Osservatore Vaticano.

Mettepenningen, who has earned a doctorate in theology from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven), has written in a published book that:

1. The Church has opened the priesthood to women; 2. The Church must recognize same-sex "marriage" and is currently discriminating against them by not recognizing it; and 3. "Considering that the phrases used during the celebration of the Eucharist must be refreshed, he justifies this position by the fact that we cannot, in his words, 'preach a message of life in a dead language.'"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More evidence that Leuven (Louvain)that American Bishops have very good reasons not to send their seminarians there. It used to be the place where most American seminarians studied in Europe. Now it is the North American College in Rome (which is a dormitory for men studying at one of the Pontifical Univeresities, the Gregorianum, Augustinium, etc.