Sunday, June 13, 2010

Moldova Puts Orthodox Religious Instruction in its Schools

“When Mr. Pasat puts his mind to something, nothing stops him until he gets the job done. And this is only the beginning.”

With these words, a well-known Moldovan journalist, Dmitri Chubashenko, who recently became the politician's spokesman, announced the start of a new era in Moldovan politics.

But who is Mr. Pasat and what, exactly, is he up to?

Valeriu Pasat is a former Moldovan spy chief who wants to increase the “fundamental” role of the Orthodox Church in the country while simultaneously bidding to become Moldova’s new president.

Last week, he initiated a referendum to introduce orthodoxy as a compulsory subject in all Moldovan schools. To promote the idea, he plans to form a political party and run for president this fall, when fresh general and presidential elections might be held.

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