Saturday, April 3, 2010

Peggy Noonan's Catastrophe

Responding to Father Amorth's statement, confirming the lamentation of Paul VI about the "smoke of Satan" and Father Malachi Martin's lengthy fiction and non-fiction treatement of this systemic and spiritual problem, some people who don't believe in the Devil suffer from the mistaken apprehension that to point out to his power and influence in the world amounts to an attempt to escapt responsibillity for what one has done.

But the Devil is indeed very influential with various ministers within the Catholic Church, some of whom don't believe in him, who make important decisions about how the Church presents her authoritative teaching.

Peggy Noonan, often celebrated as a defender of the Church, joins Her enemies today by insisting that the press has got the story right and has "forced" the Church to "reform".

She says:

In both the U.S. and Europe, the scandal was dug up and made famous by the press. This has aroused resentment among church leaders, who this week accused journalists of spreading "gossip," of going into "attack mode" and showing "bias."

But this is not true, or to the degree it is true, it is irrelevant. All sorts of people have all sorts of motives, but the fact is that the press—the journalistic establishment in the U.S. and Europe—has been the best friend of the Catholic Church on this issue. Let me repeat that: The press has been the best friend of the Catholic Church on the scandals because it exposed the story and made the church face it. The press forced the church to admit, confront and attempt to redress what had happened. The press forced them to confess. The press forced the church to change the old regime and begin to come to terms with the abusers. The church shouldn't be saying j'accuse but thank you.

No one in the press is talking aboout the rampant heresy which has plagued the Roman Church and is the source of this problem. No one is talking about the need for more strict Catholicity in the Colleges and Catholic Hospitals. They can't talk about it because their minds and hearts are not large enough to encompass the idea that the Catholic Faith is the one true Faith outside of which no one at all can be saved.

What we need to realize is that it has been a failure to live up to the Church's teachings on the part of the clergy and laity that have led to this artificial crisis, which is far worse outside of the Church than within.

Many Catholic Bishops and laity succumbed the line of argument posed by our enemies.


Anonymous said...

How is "rampant heresy which has plagued the Roman Church...the source of this problem", exactly?

How does heresy give the few clergy who abuse sexually the desire to do so? How does heresy give bishops the incompetence to do their jobs and bring such horrors to light to be confronted immediately?

It doesn't. Idiot.

Your friendly neighborhood trad,

Tancred said...

We are personally acquainted with 8 credibly accused, priestly homosexual offenders and three of the men who were their supervisors, one of whom was also a sodomite pederast and had created an atmosphere of sexual oppression for his novices by training them in a kind of school of filth. All of these men, some now dead, were heretics and in one way or another influential in the liturgical movement, educating children and promoting not only sexual deviancy, but liturgical and doctrinal deviancy as well.

Let's just say that sexual deviancy is a result of the erroneous idea that the Church doesn't know what It's talking about on moral subjects and that pleasure is a higher principle than the good.